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NOTE: This page is a work in progress. I'll remove this label when all options have been documented.

Print Settings

Printer and Filament

Start/End GCODE Advanced # Print Settings


Option Description Example Default
Scale Decides whether Slic3r will scale up/down the model 1.2 will scale the object to 120% of the original size 1 (100%)
Rotate Rotates the model around the Z (vertical) axis 180 will turn the object 180 degrees (turn it around) 0
Copies along X Creates additional copies along X axis Using "3" will produce 3 copies of the object on the X axis 1
Copies along Y Creates additional copies along Y axis Using "3" will produce 3 copies of the object on the Y axis 1
Distance between copies How much space (in mm) will be between copies Using "20" will space the objects 20mm apart (from the edge of each object) 6
## Accuracy
Option Description Example Default
Layer height (mm) Defines the height of every layer An object that is 5mm high and printed at 0.5mm layer height will be printed in 10 layers. With every layer 0.5mm high 0.4 (mm)
First Layer Height Ratio This defines the ratio (percentage) at which the first layer will be printed A ratio of 0.75 with layer height set at 0.4mm would mean a first layer printed at 0.3mm 1 (100%)
Infill Every N Layers Define how often to infill, rather than every layer 2 would infill on every other layer 1

Skirt and Brim

Option Description Example Default
Loops Defines the number of loops to print surrounding the object to print 2 loops would mean that before printing the object, the printer will print 2 complete loops around the object to be printed 1
Distance From Object (mm) The amount of distance between the loops and the object that will be printed 10 would mean that the loops will be printed 10mm (1cm) away from the object 6 (mm)
Skirt Height (Layers) The amount of layers that the skirt will be printed for 5 would mean the skirt is printed for the first 5 layers of the object 1

Support Material

Option Description Example Default
Overhang theshold Threshold for overhangs in degrees 45 is reasonable for most prints 45
Pattern Selects the support material pattern Rectilinear is a very common choice Rectilinear
Pattern Spacing Selects the spacing between instances of the pattern in mm 2.5 mm should produce standard infill 2.5mm
Pattern Angle Angle at which the pattern is drawn Typically this setting is left at 0 degrees 0

Print Settings

Option Description Example Default
Perimeters The number of outlines on an object for every layer 2 will draw 2 solid outlines around the edge of the object 3
Solid Layers The amount of layers that will be completely filled (top and bottom of object) 5 will produce 5 solid layers on the top and 5 layers on the bottom of the object 3
Fill Density Is the amount of infill to be used when filling the internal space in your object 0.5 will fill 50% off the layer with plastic 0.4 (40%)
Fill angle (°) The angle at which the infill will be put on the layers 45 degrees will start to draw the infill at a 45 degree angle between Y and X axis 45°
Fill Pattern The algorithm used to calculate the infill pattern rectilinear
Solid Fill Pattern rectilinear


Option Description Example Default
Length (mm) The amount of filament to be retracted before repositioning 1 will retract 1mm of filament every time the extruder travels 1 (mm)
Lift Z (mm) The distance the Z-axis will move up before it moves to a new point of extrusion 5 will move the Z-axis up 5mm every time the extruder moves to a new point of extrusion 0 (mm)
Speed (mm/s) The speed at which the Z-axis moves up and down 30 will move the Z-axis up and down at 30mm per second 30 (mm/s)
Extra Length On Restart Extrude this amount extra when restarting after a retract 1 would add 1mm of extrusion. A 2mm retract would then be followed by a 3mm extrusion 0
Minimum Travel After Retraction (mm) The minimum amount for the extruder to travel before it reverses filament 2 means that the extruder will only revers filament after repositioning further then 2mm 2 (mm)
# Printer and Filament


Option Description Example Default
Nozzle Diameter The diameter of the nozzle you use 0.5 means that your nozzle has a 0.5mm hole in it where the plastic is extruded from 0.5 (mm)
Printer Center The center of the X-axis and Y-axis X: 100 and Y: 100 means that the center of your printbed is located at 100mm in the X-direction and 100mm in the Y-direction X: 100, Y:100 (mm)
Use Relative E Distances Specify extruder movements relative to the previous position, rather than in absolute terms Unchecked
Extrusion Axis The name of the axis (motor) that is used to extrude from E means that the axis you use to extrude from is defined as the letter "E" E
Z Offset Amount to add to all Z axis coordinates 1 would shift your entire print up 1mm 0


Option Description Example Default
Diameter (mm) The diameter of the filament used (generally 1.75 or 3mm) 3 means that your filament has a diameter of 3mm 3 (mm)
Extrusion Multiplier You can use this to compensate for the diameter of the filament 1.2 would mean that your filament diameter is 120% of the "Filament Diameter" option (3mm x 1.2 = 3.6mm) 1 (100%)
Temperature (°C) The hot-end temperature to print with (generally 185°C for PLA and 230°C for ABS) 200 would mean that your hotend will be heated to 200°C before and during printing 200 (°C)

Print Speed

Option Description Example Default
Perimeters (mm/s) The speed at which the outer shell of the object will be printed at 30 means that outlines of an object will be printed at 30mm per second 30 (mm/s)
Small Perimeters (mm/s) The speed at which the perimeters of inner gaps or holes will be printed at 30 means that inner perimeters will be printed at 30mm per second 30 (mm/s)
Infill (mm/s) The speed for filling objects 60 means that infill will be printed at 60mm per second 60 (mm/s)
Solid Infill (mm/s) The speed for filling layers that are completely solid, like the first and last few layers of a print 60 means that solid infill will be printed at 60mm per second 60 (mm/s)
Bridges (mm/s) The speed for printing bridges (sectors in a print that are not directly printed on underlaying layers 60 means that bridges will be printed at 60mm per second 60 (mm/s)

Other Speed Settings

Option Description Example Default
Travel (mm/s) The speed at which the axes move when they are not laying down plastic 130 means that the axes will move at 130mm per second when the printer is travelling 130 (mm/s)
Bottom Layer Speed Ratio The ratio at which the first layer will be printed 0.3 means that the first layer will be printed at 30% in comparison to the other layers 0.3 (30%)
# Start/End GCODE ## G-code

G-code is a set of instructions used by the printers firmware to interpret motor movements. Slic3r transforms a 3D object into G-code. When printing the code is sent to the printer.

Slic3r supports variable substitution in G-Code. Any text in the form of [variable_name] will be substituted with the variable's value.

Example: If first_layer_temperature was set to 185c,

M109 S[first_layer_temperature] ; Wait for the extruder to reach temperature

Would be changed to:

M109 S185 ; Wait for the extruder to reach temperature

For more information about G-code go to:

Start G-code

Start G-code is the code that will be executed before the actual print starts. This code can do a variety of things, like home all axes, heat up the extruder and heated bed, ... The default start G-code in slic3r is:

  • G28 ; home all axes

End G-code

End G-code is the code that will be executed the printing is done. This code can do a variety of things, like home all axes, turn off the extruder and heated bed, turn off the motors, ... The default end G-code in slic3r is:

  • M104 S0 ; turn off temperature
  • G28 X0 ; home X axis
  • M84 ; disable motors
# Advanced