Extract events or blogs from squarespace, so they can be reused elsewhere. Square space does not offer this option, which is really problematic if you need it and you have hundreds of events on it.
usage: Extract squarespace events into json [-h] [-o OUTPUT] [-p PARSED_EVENTS] [-v] -s SITE [-e EVENTS_NAME]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
Output json file for events
Json file with events that were already parsed so they can be skipped in current parsing
-v, --verbose Logging
-s SITE, --site SITE Site name, so that it can be found on dashboard
-e EVENTS_NAME, --events_name EVENTS_NAME
Events tab name can be localized or named something else
You have to manually log in, when prompt in the console and then press enter to continue the program. This is because there are different options of logging in and would be a bit harder to support automatically since most of them open in a new window and can also have 2FA enabled.
- Detect when end of events was reached. Currently, you have to press
to exit and save the events when the end point is reached.
usage: Extract squarespace blogs into json [-h] [-o OUTPUT] -s SITE -b BLOG [-v] [-p PARSED_BLOGS] [-t {normal,photo}]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
Output json file for blogs
-s SITE, --site SITE Site url
-b BLOG, --blog BLOG Site subpage, so complete link is [SITE][BLOG]
-v, --verbose Logging
-p PARSED_BLOGS, --parsed_blogs PARSED_BLOGS
Json file with blogs that were already parsed so they can be skipped in current parsing
-t {normal,photo}, --type {normal,photo}
Type of site configuration
Squarespace can block after a with 429 To Many Requests
status code. Just rerun the parser with --parsed_blogs
with current json file, and it will continue there.
- Mitigate
429 To Many Requests