A CLI tool that allows you to create slime with fun attributes! It supports a local SQLite database which stores information about each slime.
Creates a Slime:
- Creates Attributes of the Slime (UID, Version, Name, Color, Template, and Accessories), in a Slime object
- Creates Slime Picture, containing Attributes
- Inserts data(Slime attributes/picture) into Database
- Optional actions such as read actions / stats and graphs
According to the RNG, accessories will be chosen for the slime (up to two). There are common, uncommon, and rare accessories.
Rarity | Item |
Common | Sunglasses, Sunhat |
Uncommon | Top Hat, Wizard Hat, Mustache |
Rare | Robin Hood Hat, Santa Hat, Crown, Golden Top Hat, Golden Sunglasses, Mustache+, Helmet |
pip install -r requirements.txt
usage: slime_generator.py [-h] -n NUMBER [-g] [-v] [-r] [-ni] [-d] [-s SLEEP]
Slime CLI tool
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-n NUMBER, --number NUMBER
Specify the number of slimes you want to create
-g, --graph Create graph of slime creation times
-v, --verbose Print slime information and creation times
-r, --rare Rare Detector: prints information when a rare occurance happens
-ni, --no-images Do not save slime images to the img/ directory
-d, --db-images Adds the slime image to the sqlite database
-s SLEEP, --sleep SLEEP
Add static backoff (sleep timer) in seconds to wait after creation of each slime
Create 10 slime, displaying a graph to show their creation times. Slimes get saved to img/ directory by default.
python3 slime_generator.py -n 10 -g
Create 15 slime, being verbose to see them get created.
python3 slime_generator.py -n 15 -v
Create 20 slime, printing when there's a rare item, while showing a graph.
python3 slime_generator.py -n 20 -r -g
Create 100 slimes with graphs, verbosity, rare detector, adding the slime image in DB.
python3 slime_generator.py -n 100 -g -v -r -d
Create 200 slimes with verbosity, omitting images in the img/ folder, with a 1 second wait time.
python3 slime_generator.py -n 200 -v -ni -s 1
After image creation, this information gets put into the local SQLite database.
| Slime |
| Slime ID (PK) |
| Version |
| Name |
| Color |
| Template |
| SlimeImage |
| Accessories |
| SlimeID (FK) |
| AccessoryName |