Android App Querying TMDb API to provide information on popular, trending, upcoming movies from The Movie DB having selective date filter as well.
Obtain Key
Create an account with TMDB to obtain an API key. Read Get Started for more details.
Configure build.gradle
Once you have your TMDB key,you will need to add it in the
. Change the following line with your own API key and sync the project.buildConfigField "String", "API_KEY", '"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"'
- Latest movies information.
- Endless Scrolling (Pagination based on api data)
- Movie details (e.g. Backdrop Poster, Rating, Genres, Release Date, Overview)
- Trailer Video for Youtube
- Upon launching, app automatically fetches first page containing 20 movies.
- Scrolling to bottom causes app to fetch next page and new movies are appended in the list automatically.
- Tapping on Filter button will show a Date Picker, which can be used to filter movies on basis of release date.
- After selecting the date and taping on Ok button, will cause app to fetch the movies from the API for that date, along with pagination feature.
- Upon selecting any movie from the list will open movie detail page.
- Movie detail page will show, movie backdrop poster, name, rating, genres and overview.
- Tapping on the Trailer button will go to the pre-installed Youtube app for the trailer.
- Detail screen is collapsing, scrolling it up will hide the backdrop image.
- MVVM for project architecture.
- Kotlin Coroutines concurrency design pattern to safely call network operations.
- Dagger 2 for implementing dependency injection
- Retrofit - Http Client for Api Calls
- Moshi - Serialization/Deserialization Library
- Okhttp - An HTTP+HTTP/2 client for Android
- Picasso - Image Loading Library
- Mockito - Mocking Framework for Unit Testing
- Architecture Components - LiveData, Databinding, ViewModels
- Unit test for the ViewModels
- Instrumental test for Splash screen
- Ali Ansari - (
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details