Exam Repository for DevOps Fundamentals course (2021.07) @ SoftUni
A set of two containerized applications. Each of them is a subject of a particular part of the exam.
A single container application which accepts an evironment variable APP_VARIABLE with a name (you should specify your SoftUni ID).
The image of this application is published to Docker Hub. It is availble for pull as shekeriev/dofexam-app1:20210925
Of course, you may use the Dockerfile to build your own version.
No matter what you will choose, keep in mind that in order to start the application, you must initialize and pass the APP_VARIABLE environment variable (with your username at SoftUni) to the container.
For example: docker container run -d --name app1 --publish 8080:80 --env APP_VARIABLE='Bat Mitko' shekeriev/dofexam-app1:20210925
A set of two Docker containters each with a dedicated role - web and db, that form a simple web application.
For a successful completion you have to:
- (re)build the image(s);
- (re)push the image(s);
- (re)run the containers;
- (re)apply the changes on the running application;
General application notes:
- php files are expected to be in the /var/www/html folder of the web container;
- each container should be named after the following rule - role-host, where role is web or db. For example, web-host;
- mind the ports - each container is listening on a specific port, for example web is set to listen on port 80;
- containers can be started in any order;
Use the app2/docker-compose.yml file as a starting point if you decide to build your own set of application configuration files (or one big file) for the platform of your choice. You can use a tool to build and then modify them, or do the entire process manually.
Alternatively, you may use the app2/yaml/app.yaml file for Kubernetes. Pay attention to the placeholders (they start and end with %), you must initialize them accordingly.