This is my implementation of a technical test for Whitbread. The intention is to showcase my technical knowledge and ability. For other similar examples, please refer to:
- Lottieshow, a viewer of Lotties, animations defined and implemented by AirBnB,
- Noopetal, an annotation processor to generate boilerplate code.
- I also wrote a set miscellaneous utilities, centered around RxJava and Android. Bitbucket Pipelines is the automated build system. The released binaries are available on Jitpack
- MVVM with RxJava. One characteristic is that View nor ViewModel do NOT handle threads. It's the Interactors that do,
- Retrofit and Moshi,
- AutoValue for DTO and Network data,
- Some Unit tests (randomly chosen)
- Espresso tests (Just to show how they can be setup)
- Build in Travis CI
- Proguard
- Breaking the code in modules
- Automated release management,
- Automated upload to Google Play,
- Fabric,
- Analytics.
Mock web server to use in repeatable Espresso tests.
The other tools I need:
- LeakCanary,
- Butterknife
- RxJava on Android: RxBindings, RxAndroid...
- Apache common Lang and Collections
Miscellaneous points/decision made while coding this:
- We use DI with Dagger2.
- Features are place in their own packges. There's only one here, but still!
- Configuration events supported (i.e. rotation)
- no specifics for tablet.
- no use of style
- Limited number of DTO (1 as of this writing, used from the back-end all the way to the front-end)
Thanks Travis-CI for providing a build system. The status of the last master build:
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