S42 PXE Server - PHP based Web Interface for PXE Server based on iPXE
The Boot Menu will be provided by iPXE
- awk
- apache2
- php5
- mysql
- tftpd
- dnsmasq
- systemd
- Clone Repository to Webfolder
- Import SQL File to Database
- Edit config.php to meet your Settings
- Add apache Service account to sudoers to allow System Configurations
apache ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/systemctl
apache ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/shutdown
apache ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/hostnamectl
- PHP SUPERGLOBALS will be secured
- PHP MySQL Requests will be secured
- PHP Shell Injection will be hunted down and fixed
- Root Privileges of apache will be punched down to the needs as much as possible
- iPXE and syslinux Bootloaderfiles and configuration will be included
- LDAP AD Authentication & Group Image Assignments
- MAC Based Image Auto Boot
- DB Schema will be improved
- PHP Code will be cleaned