This module is a suEXEC module for CGI and DSO. Improvement of mod_ruid2(vulnerability) and mod_suexec(performance).
See also
- build
apxs -i -c -l cap mod_process_security.c
If you want to enable dirty fix of my_thread_global_end() issue, use this command to build:
apxs -i -c -lcap -lmysqlclient -DMYSQL_THREAD_FORCE_END=1 mod_process_security.c
- Add to httpd.conf or conf.d/process_security.conf
LoadModule process_security_module modules/
PSExAll On
- Set Enable All Extensions On. (default Off)
PSExAll On
- Set Enable ALL CGI Extensions On. (default Off)
- [Optional] Set Enable Custom Extensions. (unset PSExAll)
PSExtensions .php .pl .py
- [Optional] Set Enable Custom Handlers. (unset PSExAll)
PSHandlers application/x-httpd-php hoge-script
- [Optional] Set Ignore Custom Extensions.
# .html and .css were ignored
PSExAll On
PSIgnoreExtensions .html .css
- [Optional] Minimal uid and gid. (default uid:100 gid:100)
PSMinUidGid 200 200
- [Optional] Default uid and gid. (default uid:48 gid:48)
- [Optional] Enable run with root permission (default Off)
PSRootEnable On
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