This library allows you to dump FFI types using the functions dd()
and dump()
- PHP >= 8.1
Library is available as composer repository and can be installed using the following command in a root of your project.
$ composer require ffi/var-dumper
dump(\FFI::new('struct { float x }'));
// Expected Output:
// struct <anonymous> {
// x<float>: 0.0
// }
Some values may contain data that will cause access errors when read. For example, pointers leading to "emptiness".
Such data is marked as "unsafe" and only the first element is displayed. If you
want to display the values in full, you should use the VAR_DUMPER_FFI_UNSAFE=1
environment variable.
// Create char* with "Hello World!\0" string.
$string = \FFI::new('char[13]');
\FFI::memcpy($string, 'Hello World!', 12);
$pointer = \FFI::cast('char*', $string);
// Dump
// > char* (unsafe access) {
// > +0: "H"
// > }
// > b"Hello World!\x00"