This is a PSR-6 cache implementation using Doctrine cache. It is a part of the PHP Cache organisation. To read about features like tagging and hierarchy support please read the shared documentation at
This is a PSR-6 to Doctrine bridge. If you are interested in a Doctrine to PSR-6 bridge you should have a look at PSR-6 Doctrine Bridge.
composer require cache/doctrine-adapter
use Doctrine\Common\Cache\MemcachedCache;
use Cache\Adapter\Doctrine\DoctrineCachePool;
$memcached = new \Memcached();
$memcached->addServer('localhost', 11211);
// Create a instance of Doctrine's MemcachedCache
$doctrineCache = new MemcachedCache();
// Wrap Doctrine's cache with the PSR-6 adapter
$pool = new DoctrineCachePool($doctrineCache);
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