AWS Lambda layer that securely fetches secrets from AWS Secrets Manager and injects them as environment variables into your Lambda's execution environment.
It uses as an extension wrapper script to invoke the fetching of secrets during the Init
phase of the Lambda lifecycle.
If you use containerized Lambdas you should instead of using a zipped Layer, include the code into your Dockerfile
Creates a zip archive containing the Lambda layer and publishes it.
npm install
chmod +x secrets-to-env-wrapper
zip -r .
aws lambda publish-layer-version \
--layer-name "secrets-to-env-wrapper" \
--zip-file "fileb://" \
--compatible-runtimes nodejs
Note: This overwrites the environment variables to set AWS_LAMBDA_EXEC_WRAPPER
which points to the wrapper script (/opt/secrets-to-env-wrapper
with your Lambda function name. You supply the secret name via the environment variable SECRET_NAME
aws lambda update-function-configuration \
--function-name ${LAMBDA_FN_NAME} \
--environment Variables={AWS_LAMBDA_EXEC_WRAPPER=/opt/secrets-to-env-wrapper,SECRET_NAME=secret}
--layers $(aws lambda list-layer-versions --layer-name secrets-to-env-wrapper \
--max-items 1 --no-paginate --query 'LayerVersions[0].LayerVersionArn' \
--output text)