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01 Installation

Phil Clifford edited this page Jul 28, 2024 · 18 revisions

Quickemu is available in the repositories of the following distros (packaging status by

Arch Linux

Quickemu version is available from the AUR (Arch user repository), and can be installed via any AUR helper. Assuming your AUR helper is yay, Run the the following command:

yay -Sy quickemu

Debian (and derivatives)

Debian Unstable package

A .deb package is available for Debian and derivatives on this project's GitHub releases page. Download the .deb and install it with apt-get.

sudo apt-get install ./quickemu_x.y.z-1_all.deb


Quickemu is available from a PPA for Ubuntu users. To install Quickemu and all the dependencies, run the following in a terminal:

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:flexiondotorg/quickemu
sudo apt update
sudo apt install quickemu

Nix & NixOS



Stable releases of Quickemu are published to FlakeHub for Nix users. See the Quickemu flake on FlakeHub for more details:


Add Quickemu to your systemPackages. For example:

systemPackages = with pkgs; [

nixpkgs unstable package nixpkgs stable 24.05 package nixpkgs stable 23.11 package

Nix Shell

You can also quickly try quickemu in a Nix shell.

New command interface

nix shell nixpkgs#quickemu

Legacy command interface

nix-shell -p quickemu

Any Linux (installing from source)

git clone --filter=blob:none
cd quickemu

When installing from source, you will need to install the following requirements manually:

These examples may save a little typing:

Install requirements on Debian

This also applies to derivatives:

sudo apt-get install bash coreutils curl genisoimage grep jq mesa-utils ovmf pciutils procps python3 qemu sed socat spice-client-gtk swtpm-tools unzip usbutils util-linux uuidgen-runtime xdg-user-dirs xrandr zsync 

Install requirements on Fedora

sudo dnf install bash coreutils curl edk2-tools genisoimage grep jq mesa-demos pciutils procps python3 qemu sed socat spice-gtk-tools swtpm unzip usbutils util-linux xdg-user-dirs xrandr zsync

Install requirements on Gentoo

Please note that you may have to use sys-firmware/edk2-ovmf instead of sys-firmware/edk2-ovmf-bin - depending on how your system is configured.

sudo emerge --ask --noreplace app-emulation/qemu \
 app-shells/bash \
 sys-apps/coreutils \
 net-misc/curl \
 sys-firmware/edk2-ovmf-bin \
 sys-apps/gawk \
 sys-apps/grep \
 x11-apps/mesa-progs \
 app-misc/jq \
 sys-apps/pciutils \
 sys-process/procps \
 app-cdr/cdrtools \
 sys-apps/usbutils \
 sys-apps/util-linux \
 sys-apps/sed \
 net-misc/socat \
 app-emulation/spice \
 app-crypt/swtpm \
 x11-misc/xdg-user-dirs \
 x11-apps/xrandr \
 net-misc/zsync \

Install on macOS

Install the Quickemu requirements using brew:

brew install bash cdrtools coreutils jq python3 qemu usbutils samba socat swtpm zsync

Now clone the project:

git clone
cd quickemu