The new version can be found here. Check here for the current status.
I used this for a while now and it is working nicely for many applications. I noticed however that it is not possible to have overlapping domains, elements and conditions will be created twice, even though they should not be! Now while this has not been a problem for all "standard"-cases, it is still is a bug that unfortunately cannot be fixed without major effort. Due to this I have decided to take the opportunity to rewrite the entire converter to be able to provide this feature and also clean things up a lot. The new version will be working as a full interface in Salome.
Therefore this repository will no longer be maintained!
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This is a small tool to create mdpa-files form SALOME dat-files.
It does/can NOT replace GiD! You still have to create a case in GiD and then exchange the *.mdpa-file.
- Create a case in SALOME, including the mesh
- Create a SubMesh for each SubModelPart (e.g. Inlet, Dirichlet-BC, ...)
- Export the Mesh and each SubMesh to a *.dat-file
NOTE: The converter can be used either directly in python, OR using the GUI, as explained in the following
The converter can be directly used from python, see this example. This way the mesh generation can be done automatically, when used together with the "dump script" functionality of Salome.
Note that this requires the tkinter
module of Python, which should be available by default
- Launch the Converter with
- Read each *.dat-file with the Read Mesh Button
- You are offered a selection of entities that is present in the *.dat-file
- double-click the entity you want to use.
- Now you can select
- Entity Type
- Name of Entity (Names available in Kratos can be selected from a list)
- Property ID (legacy, currently only needed for Fluid cases)
- After reading every mesh file, create the *.mdpa-file with the Write MDPA Button
If you have a set of files on which you want to apply the same operations (e.g. Mesh Refinement), then you can export a "Converter Scheme" from an existing case.
If you import this scheme, you will be asked to provide a set of files on which the same operations are applied.
An example can be found under /Examples/Fluid/Test_1_2D.salome/dat-files/
Check out the Examples Folder to see how the Converter can be used.
- Every Entry can be edited by double-clicking on it
- Every Entry can be deleted with delete
- Cases can be saved and loaded
- Commonly used shortcuts are supported:
- Ctrl - n : New Project
- Ctrl - o : Open Project
- Ctrl - s : Save Project
- Ctrl - Shift - s : Save Project as
- Esc : Close Window (except main window)
- Ctrl - r : Read Mesh
- Ctrl - i : Import Converter Scheme
- Ctrl - e : Export Converter Scheme
- If you want to create Nodal entites (e.g. NodalConcentratedElement or PointCondition), create and export a group of Nodes in SALOME. Read this file in the same way and double-click on Nodes to select what you want to assign.
At the beginning of the file
, the user can select more advanced options:
- DEBUG: This flag enables debugging, which includes:
- DEBUG output in logging
- In the mdpa-file, each geometrical entity (Elements and Conditions) is appended with the ID of the SALOME entity it was created with
- When a project is saved, the json-file is formatted in a readable way
- LOG_TIMING: This flag enables timing output in logging
- READABLE_MDPA: Use this to get a nicely formatted mdpa file. Works in most cases, but files are larger (~20%) and mdpa writing takes slightly more time
- Problem: Negative Volume when using tetrahedral elements. Try changing the orientation of the geometry (in GEOM module: repair => change orinetation) or the meh itself (in MESH module: Modification => orientation)