Test any Tor onion URL and check the HTTP response. TorSniffr is a web-sniffer.net/TestURI.org alternative for onion land.
The Docker build of this application installs and connects to the Tor network. If this is a problem for you or your country, do not use this software.
It's recommended to use Docker to make things easier.
Build with
docker build -t torsniffr .
Run with
docker run --name torsniffr -p 80:8080 torsniffr
Access via your web browser
Install Tor.
Install Perl and the following cpan modules:
- Net::[email protected]
- Dancer2
- Starman
- Modern::Perl
- FindBin
- Template
- [email protected]
- LWP::Protocol::socks
- HTTP::Headers
- HTTP::Response
- Compress::Zlib
- Time::HiRes
- URI::Encode
- HTML::Entities
Launch with Starman (or use another PSGI/Plack implementation)
starman -E production --port 8080 TorSniffr/bin/app.psgi &
Updates to the Perl modules can sometimes break the building or running of this application. Currently there are two known issues with the following modules. These modules in the Dockerfile have been forced to older versions:
- Net::[email protected] (issue 145672)
- [email protected] (libwww-perl issue 431)
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Copyright (C) 2015-2023 Paul Hempshall.
This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.