Add stylelint to your broccoli build pipeline with ease.
Currently doesn't support ignored files configuration
npm install --save-dev broccoli-stylelint
var StyleLint = require('broccoli-stylelint');
// path to files that need linting
var node = new StyleLint('app/styles');
the default output will be the same SCSS files, in the same tree structure.
Tests are automatically generated
If tests are generated the plugin will output a tree of test files
original tree
├── scssfile1.sscss
└── nested-dir/
├── scssfile2.scss
output tree
├── scssfile1.stylelint-test.js
└── nested-dir/
├── scssfile2.stylelint-test.js
var StyleLint = require('broccoli-stylelint');
var Funnel = require('broccoli-funnel');
// path to files that need linting
var node = new StyleLint('app/styles');
// to extract tests from linter output
new Funnel(node, {
If test generation is disabled the plugin will return the original tree
** Disable test generation **
set the option disableTestGeneration:true
var node = new StyleLint('app/styles', {disableTestGeneration:true});
** Custom test generator **
If you want to build your own test generator set the testGenerator
option to a function that will generate the tests
StyleLinter.prototype.testGenerator = function(relativePath, errors) {
var assertions = [];
var module = "module('Style Lint');\n";
var test = "test('" + relativePath + " should pass stylelint', function() {\n";
var assertion = " ok(\'true , "+relativePath+" passed stylelint\');";
return module+test+assertion+"\n});\n";
} else {
for(var i = 0; i < errors.warnings.length; i++){
var warning = errors.warnings[i];
var index = warning.line+':'+warning.column;
assertions.push(" ok(" + false + ", '"+index +" "+this.escapeErrorString(warning.text)+"');");
return module+test+assertions.join('\n')+"\n});\n";
Hash as specified by stylelint
doesn't accept files
A hook that allows you to do whatever you want, when an error occurs
- errors
array of errors
testGenerator(relativePath, errors)
A hook that allows you generate tests.
- relativePath
path of currently linted file
- errors
array of errors if null then no errors occured
If true it will generate a unit test if the file fails lint.
If true it will generate a unit test if the passes fails lint.
Will disable generation of tests
If true it will disable logging of errors to console
If true it will log results to console
A custom console object