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Kiruna Explorer

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Technologies Used
  3. Database Structure
  4. API Documentation
  5. User Credentials
  6. Dockerization
  7. Screenshots
  8. License


Technologies Used

  • Frontend: React.js
  • Backend: Express.js
  • Database: sqlite3

Database Structure

  1. "users" Table
  2. "document" Table
  3. "area" Table
  4. "document_link" Table
  5. "attachment" Table
  6. "file" Table
  7. "stakeholder" Table
  8. "document_type" Table
  9. "document_stakeholder" Table
  10. Tables Relationships

"users" Table

Stores information about system users, including their roles and authentication details.

Column Type Description
id Integer Primary Key - Unique identifier for each user.
role Text User role, restricted to "urban_planner" or "resident".
username Text Unique username for authentication.
password Text Hashed password for secure authentication.
salt Text Salt value for password hashing.
avatar_url Text URL of the user's avatar image.

Possible Values

  • role: urban_planner, resident

"document" Table

Captures details about various documents, including their type, issuance date, and related geographical area.

Column Type Description
id Integer Primary Key - Unique identifier for each document.
title Text Title of the document.
date Text Date of issuance (formatted as YYYY-MM-DD).
typeId Integer Foreign Key - Links to the id column in the document_type table.
language Text Language in which the document is written.
description Text Brief description or summary of the document.
scale Text Scale of the document.
areaId Integer Foreign Key - Links to the id column in the area table.
pages Integer Total number of pages in the document.
planNumber Integer Plan number associated with the document.

"area" Table

Defines geographical areas using GeoJSON coordinates.

Column Type Description
id Integer Primary Key - Unique identifier for each geographical area.
geoJson Text/JSON GeoJSON object specifying coordinates of the area.

"document_link" Table

Represents relationships or dependencies between two documents.

Column Type Description
id Integer Primary Key - Unique identifier for each document link.
doc1Id Integer Foreign Key - References the id column in the document table.
doc2Id Integer Foreign Key - References the id column in the document table.
date Text Date of the link creation (formatted as YYYY-MM-DD).
connection Text Type of connection between documents.

Possible Values

  • connection: direct_consequence, collateral_consequence, prevision, update

"attachment" Table

Represents the association between documents and their files.

Column Type Description
id Integer Primary Key - Unique identifier for each attachment.
docId Integer Foreign Key - References the id column in the document table.
fileId Integer Foreign Key - References the id column in the file table.

"file" Table

Stores information about files associated with documents.

Column Type Description
id Integer Primary Key - Unique identifier for each file.
name Text Name of the file.
type Text File type.
path Text Path to the file.

Possible Values

  • type: original_document, attachment

"stakeholder" Table

Stores information about stakeholders related to documents.

Column Type Description
id Integer Primary Key - Unique identifier for each stakeholder.
name Text Name of the stakeholder.

"document_stakeholder" Table

Represents relationships between documents and stakeholders.

Column Type Description
documentId Integer Foreign Key - References the id column in the document table.
stakeholderId Integer Foreign Key - References the id column in the stakeholder table.

This table defines the connection between a specific document and the stakeholders associated with it.

"document_type" Table

Defines different types of documents in the system.

Column Type Description
id Integer Primary Key - Unique identifier for each document type.
name Text Name of the document type.

"document_position" Table

Defines the modified position of certain documents in the diagram.

Column Type Description
id Integer Primary Key - Unique identifier for each position.
docId Integer Id of the document.
x Integer The coordinate x.
y Integer The coordinate y.

Tables Relationships

  1. Users:

    • The users table is standalone and used for authentication and authorization.
  2. Documents and Areas:

    • Each document in the document table is linked to a geographical area through the areaId foreign key, referencing the area table.
  3. Document Relationships:

    • The document_link table allows associating two documents and categorizing their relationship.
  4. Attachments:

    • The attachment table connects documents with files stored in the file table.
  5. Stakeholders:

    • The document_stakeholder table establishes a relationship between documents and stakeholders.
  6. Document Types:

    • The document_type table categorizes documents based on their type.

API Documentation

  1. Add Document
  2. Get All Documents
  3. Get Document by ID
  4. Get Documents by Area ID
  5. Link Document
  6. Add Links to a Document
  7. Get Linked Documents
  8. Delete Links
  9. Get All Areas
  10. Add Area
  11. Edit Area ID
  12. Add Files
  13. Delete File
  14. Get Files
  15. Download a File
  16. Get Attachments

Add Document

POST api/documents

Description : Adds a new document

Request body :

  • body with all fields:

      "title": "string",
      "scale": "plan",
      "date": "2022-01-01",
      "language": "string",
      "type": "design",
      "pages": 1,
      "description": "string",
            "selectedDocId" : 1,
            "date" : "2022-01-01",
            "connectionType" : "direct_consequence"
      "areaId": 1,
      "stakeholders": [
      "planNumber": 2
  • body without nullable fields { "title": "string", "scale": "plan", "date": "string", "type": "design", "description": "string", "stakeholders": [ "string", "string" ], "planNumber": 2, } Response:

  • 201 Created;

  • 400 Bad Request (a field has invalid value)

  • 400 Not Found (area not found)

  • 500 Internal Server Error

Response body:

  "lastId": 1,
  "message": "Document added successfully"

If not already present area, first he has to create one

Get All Documents

GET api/documents

Description : Get all documents

Request body : none

Response :

  • 200 OK
  • 500 Internal Server Error

Response body:

      "id": 1,
      "title": "title",
      "stakeholders": [
        "architecture firms"
      "date": "2004-02-01",
      "type": "conflict",
      "language": "ar",
      "description": "hello",
      "areaId": 1,
      "scale": "concept",
      "pages": 102940,
      "planNumber": ""
      "id": 2,
      "title": "title",
      "stakeholders": [
        "architecture firms"
      "date": "2004-02-01",
      "type": "conflict",
      "language": "ar",
      "description": "hello",
      "areaId": 1,
      "scale": "concept",
      "pages": 102940,
      "planNumber": ""

Get Document by ID

GET api/documents/:DocId

Description : Retrieve information of a docuemnt given its <DocId>

Reuest parameters: Document Id

Response :

  • 200 OK
  • 500 Internal Server Error
  • 400 Bad Request (Document id not valid number)

Response body:

  "id": 1,
  "title": "string",
  "stakeholders": [
  "date": "string",
  "type": "design",
  "language": null,
  "description": "string",
  "areaId": null,
  "scale": "plan",
  "pages": null,
  "planNumber": 2

Get Documents by Area ID

GET api/documents/area/:areaId

Description : Retrieve all documents belonging toa certain area given its <areaId>

Reuest parameters: Area Id

Response :

  • 200 OK
  • 500 Internal Server Error
  • 400 Bad Request (Area id not valid number)
  • 404 Not Found (Area not found)
  • 404 Not Found (No documents found for this area)

Response body:

  "id": 1,
  "title": "string",
  "stakeholders": [
  "date": "string",
  "type": "design",
  "language": null,
  "description": "string",
  "areaId": 1,
  "scale": "plan",
  "pages": null,
  "planNumber": 2

Link Document:

POST api/documents/link

Description : Link two documents

Request Body:

  "doc1Id": 1,
  "doc2Id": 2,
  "connection": "update",
  "date": "2023-01-01"

Response :

  • 200 OK
  • 500 Internal Server Error
  • 400 Bad Request (FIelds not valid)
  • 402 Bad Request (Invalid connection type)
  • 403 Bad Request (Link already exists)
  • 404 Not Found (Document not found)

Response body: None

Add links to a document

POST api/documents/links

Description : Add links to a document, receiving an array of links

Request Body:

    "originalDocId" : 1,
    "selectedDocId" : 2,
    "connectionType" : "direct_consequence",
    "date" : "2023-01-01"
    "originalDocId" : 3,
    "selectedDocId" : 4,
    "connectionType" : "prevision",
    "date" : "2023-01-02"

Response :

  • 200 OK
  • 500 Internal Server Error
  • 400 Bad Request (Array is empty)
  • 402 Bad Request (Invalid connection type)
  • 404 Not Found (Document not found)

Get Linked Documents

GET api/documents/:DocId/links

Description : Get all linked documents to a ceratin document with its

Requqest parameters: Document Id

Response :

  • 200 OK
  • 500 Internal Server Error
  • 400 Bad Request (Document id not valid number)

Response body:

    "id": 1,
    "title": "string",
    "trype": "design",
    "connection": "update"
    "id": 2,
    "title": "string",
    "trype": "design",
    "connection": "update"

Delete links

DELETE api/documents/:DocId/links

Description : Delete all links associated to a document with its

Requqest parameters: Document Id

Response :

  • 200 OK
  • 500 Internal Server Error

Response body: None

Get All Areas

GET api/areas

Description : Retrieve all areas

Response :

  • 200 OK
  • 500 Internal Server Error
  • 404 Not Found (Area not found)

Response body:

    "id": 1,
    "geojson" : {
    "id": 2,
    "geojson" : {

Add Area:

POST api/areas

Description : Adds a new area drawn by the user or representing a single point on the map

Request Body:

  "geojson" : {

Response :

  • 201 Created
  • 500 Internal Server Error
  • 400 Bad Request (FIelds not valid)
  • 404 Not Found (Document not found)

Response body: None

Edit Area ID:

PUT api/documents/:DocId/area

Description : Modify the area id assinged to a document, deletes the previous one if not assigned to a document anymore

Requqest parameters: Document Id

Request Body:

  "areaID" : 1

Response :

  • 200 OK
  • 500 Internal Server Error
  • 400 Bad Request (Document id not valid)
  • 404 Not Found (Area not found)

Response body: None

Add Files:

POST api/documents/:DocId/uploads

Description : Add resources to a certain docuemnt identified by its

Requqest parameters: Document Id

Request Body:

    "name" : "name",
    "type" : "original",
    "path" : "path/to/file"
    "name" : "name2",
    "type" : "Attachment",
    "path" : "path/to/file2"

Response :

  • 200 OK
  • 500 Internal Server Error
  • 400 Bad Request (Document id not valid)
  • 404 Not Found (Document not found)

Response body: None

Delete File

DELETE api/documents/:DocId/files/:FileId

Description : Delete a specific file stored in the server with a certain , associated to a document with its

Requqest parameters: Document Id, File Id

Response :

  • 200 OK
  • 404 Not Found
  • 500 Internal Server Error

Response body: None

Get Files

GET api/documents/:DocId/files

Description : Get all attachments associated to a document with its

Requqest parameters: Document Id

Response :

  • 200 OK
  • 404 Not Found
  • 500 Internal Server Error

Response body:

    "id": 1,
    "name": "file_name",
    "type": "original",
    "path": "/files/hashed_file_name"
    "id": 2,
    "name": "file_name2",
    "type": "original",
    "path": "/files/hashed_file_name2"

Download a File

GET api/documents/:DocId/files/download/:FileId

Description : Download a specific file stored in the server with a certain , associated to a document with its

Requqest parameters: Document Id, File Id

Response :

  • 200 OK
  • 404 Not Found
  • 500 Internal Server Error

Response body: None

Get Attachments

GET api/documents/:DocId/attachments

Description : Get all attachments associated to a document with its

Requqest parameters: Document Id

Response :

  • 200 OK
  • 404 Not Found
  • 500 Internal Server Error

Response body:

    'name' : 'name',
    'trype' : 'map',
    'path' : 'path/to/file'
    'name' : 'name2',
    'trype' : 'text',
    'path' : 'path/to/file2'

Get Diagram Positions

GET api/documents/diagramPositions

Description : Get all the modified positions (x,y) of documents in the Diagram.

Response :

  • 200 OK
  • 500 Internal Server Error

Response body:

    'id' : 1,
    'docId' : 65,
    'x' : 523,
    'y' : 2140
    'id' : 2,
    'docId' : 325,
    'x' : 235,
    'y' : 1200

Modify Document Position on the diagram

POST api/documents/:DocId/diagramPosition

Description : Upsert the position of that document in the diagram

Request body :

  • body with all fields:

      "docId": 235,
      "x": 2351,
      "y": 235,


  • 201 Created;

  • 400 Bad Request (the document can't be moved because it doesn't respect its boundaries)

  • 400 Not Found (the document with docId doesn't exist)

  • 500 Internal Server Error

Response body:

  "lastId": 235,
  "message": "Document moved successfully in the diagram"

It overwrites the old position of the document if it exists or it adds a new one

Users Credentials

username Password Role
Romeo 1111 urban planner
Juliet 2222 resident


The application is dockerized and can be run using the following command inside the root folder of the project 02-kiruna-explorer/:

$docker compose build
$docker compose up

note: You need to have Docker Desktop installed and opened in background


Screenshot 1 List of all documents

Screenshot 2 Visualization of a document

Screenshot 3 Map


CC BY-NC 4.0


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