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A lisp-like programming language running on JVM.

About Peaze

Peaze is a lisp-like programming language. It has extremely flexible syntax just like lisp and provides easy access to Java frameworks.

The kernel features of Peaze include lexical scope, first-class procedures, proper treatment of tail calls, continuations, user-defined records, libraries, exceptions, and hygienic macro expansion.

Peaze is implemented with java8, currently the AST interpreter is under developing. The developing of the interpreter is in a very early stage, only a few features are supported. You could see more details at Roadmap.


1. A runnable example that calculates the n'th fibnacci number:

;;; iterative version
(define (fib-iter n)
        (define (fib-iter-help n f1 f2)
                (if (= n 1)
                  (fib-iter-help (- n 1) f2 (+ f1 f2))))
        (fib-iter-help n 1 1))

;;; 55
(display (fib-iter 10))

;;; 1820529360
(display (fib-iter 60))

2. A runnable example that demonstrates the lexical closure feature:

;;; multi levels varaible capture

(define (addxyz x)
        (lambda (y)
                (lambda (z)
                        (+ x y z))))

(define add1-y-z (addxyz 1))
(define add1-2-z (add1-y-z 2))
(define add1-3-z (add1-y-z 3))
;;; 6
(display (add1-2-z 3))
;;; 14
(display (add1-3-z 10))

Try it

To run Peaze source code, you need to build this project first:

  1. Install maven in your system.
  2. Clone this repository:
git clone
  1. Build this project with commands:
cd peaze
mvn package

After the building process, you'll get the executable jar file in the "target" folder. It will be named "peaze-0.0.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar", which is the main entry of our interpreter.

We provides several Peaze source files in the "examples" folder, now you could run them with our interpreter. For instance:

cd examples
java -jar ../target/peaze-0.0.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar fib.pz


kenerl features

  • s-expression
  • variable/function definition and reference
  • function call
  • first class function
  • lexical scope and closure
  • anonymous function: lambda
  • branch: if
  • assign: set!
  • first class continuation: call/cc
  • macro

basic types

  • char
  • boolean
  • integer
  • rational
  • real
  • complex
  • string
  • symbol
  • pair(list)
  • vector

builtin procedures

  • +,-,*,/
  • =, <=, >=, <, >
  • cons, car, cdr

builtin macros

  • and
  • or
  • cond
  • case
  • let
  • let*
  • letrec


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