This language is approximately equal to C, but with some essential modern features:
- Modern syntax
- Type inference
- Local variable shadowing
- Stronger typing (explicit casting required)
- Auto-deref:
implicitly becomes(*ptr).field
type- Tuples
- First-class
type and value replacesvoid
- Compile-time constants (replacing macros or static data)
- Sum types (like Rust
's) - Pattern matching (
if let ...
Some more features that I want to add, but haven't finished implementing yet:
- Generics
- Fat pointer primitive (
, like Rust&[T]
slice type - Module system
- SIMD primitive types
- Uniform function call syntax
expression (like Rust)
The filetests/
directory contains examples of all language features, below
some are reproduced with added comments.
// Hello world
// You can (and must) declare externally defined functions to link with.
fn printf(fmt: *i8, ...) -> i32;
fn main(argc: i32, argv: **i8) -> i32 {
printf("hello world\n");
return 0;
// Local variable declaration
fn printf(fmt: *i8, ...) -> i32;
fn main(argc: i32, argv: **i8) -> i32 {
// Basic local variable declaration.
let x: i32 = 1;
// Type annotation is optional, and shadowing is allowed.
let x = 2;
printf("%d\n", x); // 2
return 0;
// Parse compiler args
fn printf(fmt: *i8, ...) -> i32;
fn strcmp(x: *i8, y: *i8) -> i32;
// Returns (filename, -)
fn parse_args(argc: i32, argv: **i8) -> (*i8, bool) {
let file: *i8 = null;
let help = false;
for let i = 1; i < argc; i += 1 {
let arg = argv[i];
if strcmp(arg, "-h") == 0 {
help = true;
file = arg;
return (file, help);
fn main(argc: i32, argv: **i8) -> i32 {
let (file, help) = parse_args(argc, argv);
printf("help = %d, file = %s\n", help, file);
if help {
printf("usage: mylangc [-h] <file>\n");
return 1;
if file == null {
printf("missing file argument\n");
return 1;
return 0;
// 4x4 Matrix multiplication
fn printf(fmt: *i8, ...) -> i32;
type mat4 = [4][4]f32;
fn matmul(A: mat4, B: mat4) -> mat4 {
let xx = A[0][0] * B[0][0] + A[0][1] * B[1][0] + A[0][2] * B[2][0] + A[0][3] * B[3][0];
let xy = A[0][0] * B[0][1] + A[0][1] * B[1][1] + A[0][2] * B[2][1] + A[0][3] * B[3][1];
let xz = A[0][0] * B[0][2] + A[0][1] * B[1][2] + A[0][2] * B[2][2] + A[0][3] * B[3][2];
let xw = A[0][0] * B[0][3] + A[0][1] * B[1][3] + A[0][2] * B[2][3] + A[0][3] * B[3][3];
let yx = A[1][0] * B[0][0] + A[1][1] * B[1][0] + A[1][2] * B[2][0] + A[1][3] * B[3][0];
let yy = A[1][0] * B[0][1] + A[1][1] * B[1][1] + A[1][2] * B[2][1] + A[1][3] * B[3][1];
let yz = A[1][0] * B[0][2] + A[1][1] * B[1][2] + A[1][2] * B[2][2] + A[1][3] * B[3][2];
let yw = A[1][0] * B[0][3] + A[1][1] * B[1][3] + A[1][2] * B[2][3] + A[1][3] * B[3][3];
let zx = A[2][0] * B[0][0] + A[2][1] * B[1][0] + A[2][2] * B[2][0] + A[2][3] * B[3][0];
let zy = A[2][0] * B[0][1] + A[2][1] * B[1][1] + A[2][2] * B[2][1] + A[2][3] * B[3][1];
let zz = A[2][0] * B[0][2] + A[2][1] * B[1][2] + A[2][2] * B[2][2] + A[2][3] * B[3][2];
let zw = A[2][0] * B[0][3] + A[2][1] * B[1][3] + A[2][2] * B[2][3] + A[2][3] * B[3][3];
let wx = A[3][0] * B[0][0] + A[3][1] * B[1][0] + A[3][2] * B[2][0] + A[3][3] * B[3][0];
let wy = A[3][0] * B[0][1] + A[3][1] * B[1][1] + A[3][2] * B[2][1] + A[3][3] * B[3][1];
let wz = A[3][0] * B[0][2] + A[3][1] * B[1][2] + A[3][2] * B[2][2] + A[3][3] * B[3][2];
let ww = A[3][0] * B[0][3] + A[3][1] * B[1][3] + A[3][2] * B[2][3] + A[3][3] * B[3][3];
return [[xx, xy, xz, xw],
[yx, yy, yz, yw],
[zx, zy, zz, zw],
[wx, wy, wz, ww]];
fn print(A: mat4) {
for let i = 0; i < 4; i += 1 {
for let j = 0; j < 4; j += 1 {
printf("%10.4f ", A[i][j] as f64);
fn main() -> i32 {
let A = [[ 1.0, 9.0, 3.0, 4.0],
[ 2.0, -4.0, 5.0, 0.5],
[-3.0, 1.0, 6.0, -3.0],
[ 6.0, 10.0, 11.0, 1.0]];
let B = matmul(A, A);
return 0;
// Structs and auto-deref
fn printf(fmt: *i8, ...) -> i32;
type vec3 struct {
x: f32,
y: f32,
z: f32,
fn print(v: vec3) {
let x = v.x as f64;
let y = v.y as f64;
let z = v.z as f64;
printf("%f %f %f\n", x, y, z);
// Field accesses on pointers to structs are auto-deref'd.
fn dot(x: *vec3, y: *vec3) -> f32 {
return x.x * y.x + x.y * y.y + x.z * y.z;
fn main(argc: i32, argv: **i8) -> i32 {
let a: vec3 = { x: 1.0, y: 2.0, z: 3.0, };
let b: vec3 = { x: 2.0, y: 3.0, z: 4.0, };
let ab = dot(&a, &b);
printf("dot a, b = %f\n", ab as f64);
return 0;
// Pattern matching with `if let`
fn printf(fmt: *i8, ...);
type expr enum {
fn print(e: expr) {
if let int(i) = e {
printf("%d\n", i);
if let string(s) = e {
printf("%s\n", s);
fn main() -> i32 {
let e =;
e = expr.string("hello world");
return 0;