Postman Doc :
Git clone the repo and run the following commands (make sure to create an .env file before : use the .env.dist as an example and modify values accordingly) :
- composer install (install dependencies)
- php bin/console doctrine:database:create (if not exists already)
- php bin/console doctrine:schema:create
- php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load (to load some basic data and create default user, see src/DataFixtures/AppFixtures for details)
Except for login or create an user, a JWT token is required to query the API.
- Create an user or use the default one :
- Login and get the token :
- Use the token with the 'Authorization' header, example here :
Testing is made by phpUnit, make sure to run the following commands before testing (it will create a testing database) :
- php bin/console doctrine:database:create --env=test
- php bin/console doctrine:schema:create --env=test
- php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load --env=test
All : php ./vendor/bin/phpunit
Specific class : php ./vendor/bin/phpunit tests/Controller/TeamsControllerTest.php
Specific function : php ./vendor/bin/phpunit --filter testUpdateTeam tests/Controller/TeamsControllerTest.php
Note: although a test database is used for testing, all transactions are rollback after each test.