A React component to tap into the Wavelet's testnet faucet, to add PERLs to a wallet.
import { FaucetButton, themes: { mono } } from 'wavelet-faucet';
url="alternative-faucet-url" // optional will use 'https://faucet.perlin.net' by default
modalHeader // optional, adds a header to the modal
theme={altTheme} // optional, see src/theme.js for values
style={{}} // styles the button
address="optional address prefill"
classPrefix="" // optional, prefix for all CSS classes inside the faucet. Will use 'wavelet-faucet' by default
className={{}} // className for the button
The component uses style-components with a default darkTheme. In order to customize the look'n'feel you can either pass in your own theme or simply target class names.
Runs the component in the watch mode.
Builds the component for production to the dist