This repo stores the code for the agent-based model for the manuscript "Gone With the Wind: Honey Bee Collective Scenting in the Presence of External Wind" to be presented atACM Collective Intelligence Conference, November 2023 (CI ‘23).
Code for the base original agent-based model with detailed information of the model and visualization of output: This repo's code adds the extra feature of the wind (magnitude and condition) to the simulation environment.
The complete list of required packages provided in requirements.txt, which you can install in your environment with the command pip install -r requirements.txt
. Setting up a Python virtual environment, such as conda, is highly recommended.
Default parameters are already set up. Parameters can be changed in in the config_opts
variable. Parameters related to the wind condition:
: Wind magnitude (0 indicates no wind)wwx
: x component of wind direction vectorwwy
: y component of wind direction vector
runs a simulation with the provided parameters.
In the folder experiments, a subfolder will be created for this particular simulation with the name format N{num_workers}_T{worker_threshold}_wb{worker_bias_scalar}_seed{random seed}. A cfg file is created in this folder to record the model parameters for this simulation. The file bee_hist.h5 contains time-series data for the position, state, scenting direction, distance from the queen of all bees. The file envir_hist.h5 contains the time-series data for the environmental maps of pheromone diffusion and decay created by the collective scenting of the bees.
Reference: Nguyen DMT, Fard Gharooni G, Iuzzolino ML, Peleg O (2023). Gone With the Wind: Honey Bee Collective Scenting in the Presence of External Wind. Collective Intelligence Conference 2023.