install node.js(12.X) and npm
install the package listed in the package.json
via yarn
compile via following command
$ npx hardhat compile
after compile, the abi and code of the contracts can be found in files artifacts/*.sol/*.json
before running test case, you should compile one-core first.
you can refer to the in the link to compile the core, suppose the project dir of one-core
after compile the one-core project, copy dirs ${ONE_CORE_DIR}/artifacts/*.sol
copy compiled json file of weth into ${ONE_PERIPHERY}/test/core/
and name it as WETH9.json
because when we running test cases, we will find abi and code of one-core contracts and weth contract under ${ONE_PERIPHERY}/test/core/
run test cases via following command
$ npx hardhat test
if you want to only run a single test case, simply run
$ npx hardhat test test/${FILE_OF_TEST_CASE}.json
we provide example scripts for deploy contracts, add pool, add liquidity, view liquidity, swap, prequery price.
in the following, we take the example of deploying and interface in eth-network network, which has been set in ${ONE_PERIPHERY}/hardhat.config.js
, if you want to deploy and interface in other eth-networks, you could just configure the network in the hardhat.config.js
and specified it via --network
when runing coresponding scripts
establish a file called .settings.js
under dir ${ONE_PERIPHERY}
$ cp .settings.js.example .settings.js
following 3 field must be filled change the field of sk to a private key of your sign account of the network you want to deploy change the field of weth to address of contract weth of the network change the field of izumiswapFactory to address of the IzumiswapFactory contract in the network, the deployment of IzumiswapFactory can be refered in one-core
the following field in the .settings.js can be empty string currently
you can refer to the example script scripts/deployPeriphery.js
$ npx hardhat run scripts/deployPeriphery.js --network eth-networks
after running, the deployed addresses of NonfungibleLiquidityManager
and Swap
can be viewed on the screen.
and you should copy them to the fields nflmAddr
and swapAddr
in the .settings.js
for ineractions of add pool, add liquidity and swap
$ npx hardhat run scripts/deployQuoter.js --network network
after running, the deployed addresses of Quoter
can be viewed on the screen.
and you should copy them to the field quoterAddr
in the .settings.js
for ineractions of pre query price
will add a pool of (BIT/USDC/3000)
before runing, make sure that nflmAddr
, swapAddr
in the .settings.js
is correct, BIT
and USDC
are 2 token address used in the script, if you donot have such tokens in your eth-network, you can deploy them using contracts/test/Token.sol
running addPool
$ npx hardhat run scripts/addPool.js --network eth-network
$ npx hardhat run scripts/getPool --network eth-network
you can view the pool address of (BIT/USDC/3000)
add and view liquidity
$ npx hardhat run scripts/addPool.js --network eth-network
$ npx hardhat run scripts/viewLiquidity.js --network eth-network
call swapX2Y(...) of Swap contract
$ npx hardhat run scripts/swapX2Y.js -- network eth-network
call swapY2X(...)
$ npx hardhat run scripts/swapY2X.js -- network eth-network
prequery price
$ node scripts/getSwapPrice.js