Functions to generate aws signature v4 to use with AWS IOT MQTT
I created this because I couldn't find a library to easily generate signed urls that you can use with amazon's MQTT for IOT in python. All the libraries I could find would be to generate headers for HTTP requests and it wouldn't work with wss for MQTT.
Inspired by:
pip install aws-signv4-mqtt
There are two interfaces:
aws_signv4_mqtt.generate_signv4_mqtt( iot_host, iot_region, access_key, secret_key, session_token = None)
Basic interface to created the signed url.
aws_signv4_mqtt.generate_signv4_mqtt_boto( iot_host, iot_region)
Gets the credentials from your environment or iam role internally using boto3.
import aws_signv4_mqtt
print(aws_signv4_mqtt.generate_signv4_mqtt('<your_iot>', 'us-east-1', '<aws_access_key>', '<aws_secret>'))
Prints something like:
After you generate your url using AWS credentials with sufficient AWS IOT permissions, you can test it with any MQTT library.
For instance, you could execute the javascript code below:
var mqtt = require('mqtt')
url = '<your_signed_url>'
port = 443
topic = '<your_topic>'
i = 0
var client = mqtt.connect(url,
port: port,
client.on('connect', function () {
client.subscribe(topic, function (err) {
if (!err) {
client.publish(topic, 'Hello mqtt')
client.on('message', function (topic, message) {
i = i+1
client.publish(topic, 'Hello mqtt '+String(i))