The Apprentice Learner Architecture provides a framework for modeling and simulating learners working educational technologies. There are three general GitHub repositories for the AL Project:
- AL_Core (, which is the core library for learner modeling used to configure and instantiate agents and author their background knowledge.
- AL_Train (this respository), which contains code for interfacing AL agents with CTAT-HTML tutors and running training experiments.
- AL_Outerloop (, which provides additional functionality to AL_Train simulating adaptive curricula.
This repository does the following:
- Provides the altrain executable which is used to train Apprentice Learner agents from a training.json spec file, either in batch mode or interactively.
- Implements a host server with a Datashop logging language compatable logger which will write tab-delimited transaction files of AL agent actions.
To install the AL_Train library, first follow the installation instructions for the AL_Core Library. Next, clone the respository to your machine using the GitHub deskptop application or by running the following command in a terminal / command line:
git clone
Navigate to the directory where you cloned AL_Train in a terminal / command line and run:
python -m pip install -e .
Everything should now be fully installed and ready.
- Source code:
- Documentation:
We have created a number of examples to demonstrate basic usage of the Appentice Learner that make use of this repository as well as AL_Core. These can be found on the examples page of the AL_Core wiki.
If you use the interactive training components of this software in a scientific publiction, then we would appreciate a citation of the following paper:
Daniel Weitekamp III, Erik Harpstead, and Kenneth R Koedinger. 2020. An Interaction Design for Machine Teaching to Develop AI Tutors. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - CHI ’20,.
Bibtex entry:
@inproceedings{WeitekampIII2020, author = {{Weitekamp III}, Daniel and Harpstead, Erik and Koedinger, Kenneth R}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - CHI '20,}, doi = {10.1145/3313831.3376226}, file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/eharpste/Documents/Articles/Weitekamp III, Harpstead, Koedinger - 2020 - An Interaction Design for Machine Teaching to Develop AI Tutors.pdf:pdf;:C$\backslash$:/Users/eharpste/Documents/Articles/Weitekamp III, Harpstead, Koedinger - 2020 - An Interaction Design for Machine Teaching to Develop AI Tutors(2).pdf:pdf}, isbn = {9781450367080}, keywords = {"Simulated Learners,Intelligent Tutoring Systems",Interaction Design,Machine Teaching,Programming-by-Demonstration}, title = {{An Interaction Design for Machine Teaching to Develop AI Tutors}}, year = {2020} }
If you use the broader Apprentice Learner Architecture in a scientific publication, then we would appreciate a citation of the following paper:
Christopher J MacLellan, Erik Harpstead, Rony Patel, and Kenneth R Koedinger. 2016. The Apprentice Learner Architecture: Closing the loop between learning theory and educational data. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Educational Data Mining - EDM ’16, 151–158. Retrieved from
Bibtex entry:
@inproceedings{MacLellan2016a, author = {MacLellan, Christopher J and Harpstead, Erik and Patel, Rony and Koedinger, Kenneth R}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Educational Data Mining - EDM '16}, pages = {151--158}, title = {{The Apprentice Learner Architecture: Closing the loop between learning theory and educational data}}, url = {{\_}118.pdf}, year = {2016} }