Surface tests for CRUD and Websockets-pubsub functionality of a pod server
There are two ways to run these tests:
First, add 'https://tester' as a trusted app. Assuming the server has Solid OS as its web interface, the steps are as follows:
- using your browser, log in to the pod
- top right menu
- Preferences
- Preferences
- Manage your trusted applications (may require a page refresh before it displays properly),
- Tick Read + Write,
- Click Add
Now, get a cookie that will allow this user to silently authenticate. You can use a curl command, for instance for node-solid-server it would POST 'username' and 'password' to /login/password and run the tests, as follows:
npm ci
export USERNAME=solid-crud-tests-example-1
export PASSWORD=123
# This curl command is specific to node-solid-server:
export CURL_RESULT=`curl -i $SERVER_ROOT/login/password -d"username=$USERNAME&password=$PASSWORD" | grep Set-Cookie`
# The COOKIE will be used when going through the webid-oidc flow:
export COOKIE=`expr "$CURL_RESULT" : '^Set-Cookie:\ \(.*\).'`
# The SERVER_ROOT will be used both for webid-oidc discovery and as the base container to run the tests against:
echo Server root is $SERVER_ROOT
echo Cookie is $COOKIE
npm run jest
# Or: ./node_modules/.bin/jest --timeout=60000
You should see something like:
Tests: 17 failed, 55 passed, 62 total
You can also harvest the cookie using your web browser's developer tools instead of curl.
Or for instance for programmatically getting a cookie for Nextcloud, our test suites use Puppeteer.
Set it into the COOKIE env var, set the SERVER_ROOT, and run npm run jest
If you run against a container with public read/write access, then it's not necessary to add https://tester as a trusted app. Instead (assuming the server has Solid OS as its web interface):
- using your browser, log in to the pod
- click the folder icon
- click the green +
- click the folder icon
- pick a folder name
- click the triangle before the name of the newly created container
- click the padlock icon
- Set specific sharing for this folder
- Click the green +
- Click the globe icon
- If you don't see the globe icon appear next to 'Viewers', refresh the page
- Drag the globe icon from 'Viewers' to 'Editors'
Now you can run without a COOKIE environment variable:
npm install
npm run jest
Start your server with a self-signed cert on port 443 of localhost and run with:
export SERVER_ROOT=https://localhost