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LD_PRELOAD library for running LANL pfind on TableFS.


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LD_PRELOAD library for running the LANL parallel_find program on the DeltaFS/TableFS.

XX      XX                 XX                  XXXXXXXXXXX
XX       XX                XX                  XX
XX        XX               XX                  XX
XX         XX              XX   XX             XX
XX          XX             XX   XX             XXXXXXXXX
XX          XX  XX     XX  XX   XX       XX XX XX      XX
XX         XX  XX       XX XX   XX      XX  XX XX    XX
XX       XX    XX          XX   XX    XX    XX XX           XX
XX      XX      XX      XX XX   XX X    XX  XX XX         XX
XXXXXXXXX        XXXXXXX   XX    XX        XX  XX      XX

This preload library, as well as DeltaFS/TableFS, was developed, in part, under U.S. Government contract 89233218CNA000001 for Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), which is operated by Triad National Security, LLC for the U.S. Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration. Please see the accompanying LICENSE.txt for further information.

User Manual (LANL/parallel_find)

First, secure a Linux box, install gcc, make, and cmake on it, and then create the following 3 directories.

  • tablefs-src (e.g.: $HOME/tablefs-src):

This is for downloading, compiling, and building tablefs and preload code.

  • tablefs-dst (e.g.: $HOME/tablefs-dst):

This is for installing the artifacts (libs and bins) that we make from the code.

  • tablefs-dat (e.g.: /mount/nvme/tablefs-dat):

This is for storing the tablefs db data during test runs.

Next, we get the tablefs and preload code and compile it.

  • For tablefs:
cd ${tablefs-src}
git clone
cd tablefs
mkdir build
cd build
make install
  • For tablefs preload:
cd ${tablefs-src}
git clone
cd tablefs-pfind-preload
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=${tablefs-dst} ..
make install

After that, we use the fsmaker program that we just installed to create a simple tablefs namespace. No need to use LD_PRELOAD at this moment.

rm -rf ${tablefs-dat}   # clean up data of previous runs
mkdir -p ${tablefs-dat}   # ensure parent directories
cd ${tablefs-dst}/bin
./fsmaker ${tablefs-dat}

After running it, goto tablefs-dat (dat, not dst) and check if it looks like the following:

total 12K
-rw-r--r-- 1 qingzhen TableFS   0 Dec 11 16:12 000006.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 qingzhen TableFS 495 Dec 11 16:12 000007.ldb
-rw-r--r-- 1 qingzhen TableFS  16 Dec 11 16:12 CURRENT
-rw-r--r-- 1 qingzhen TableFS   0 Dec 11 16:12 LOG
-rw-r--r-- 1 qingzhen TableFS  99 Dec 11 16:12 MANIFEST-000004

Finally, let's do a LANL/parallel_find run on the tablefs namespace that we just populated.

We need to use LD_PRELOAD this time. The preload lib is located at tablefs-dst/lib/ The preload lib needs to know where we stored the tablefs data. We inform it by setting env PRELOAD_Tablefs_home to tablefs-dat. Then, the preload lib needs to know whether tablefs should be opened readonly. We do this by setting env PRELOAD_Tablefs_readonly to 1 or 0 depending on our needs. Since LANL/parallel_find only reads information from a filesystem, we set it to 1.

The preload lib works by redirecting all filesystem calls whose path starts with /tablefs to tablefs. Redirected fs calls will have their path prefix /tablefs removed. For example, if parallel_find makes an opendir call to /tablefs/1, this call will end up becoming an opendir call to /1 in tablefs.

Now let's do a run with 1 parallel_find thread.

env PRELOAD_Tablefs_home=${tablefs-dat} PRELOAD_Tablefs_readonly=1 LD_PRELOAD=${tablefs-dst}/lib/ /path/to/lanl/gufi/parallel_find /tablefs -n 1

Here's its output.


Now, let's do a run with 2 parallel_find threads.

env PRELOAD_Tablefs_home=${tablefs-dat} PRELOAD_Tablefs_readonly=1 LD_PRELOAD=${tablefs-dst}/lib/ /path/to/lanl/gufi/parallel_find /tablefs -n 2

Here's the output. Note that this time the directories are printed in random order, meaning that everything works as expected.


If we don't like the /tablefs path prefix we can change it by setting env PRELOAD_Tablefs_path_prefix to other prefixes. When we do that, remember to invoke parallel_find accordingly for calls to be properly redirected.

User Manual (ior/mdtest)

First, prepare the tablefs-src, tablefs-dst, and tablefs-dat directories as above and then build the tablefs and the preload code the same way as we do for pfind. Next, we run mdtest as shown below.

rm -rf ${tablefs-dat}   # clean up data of previous runs
mkdir -p ${tablefs-dat}   # ensure parent directories
mpirun -np 1 -env PRELOAD_Tablefs_home ${tablefs-dat} -env LD_PRELOAD ${tablefs-dst}/lib/ \
  /path/to/hpc/ior/mdtest -C -T -r -k -n 40 -z 3 -b 3 -d /tablefs/out
  • OpenMPI
rm -rf ${tablefs-dat}   # clean up data of previous runs
mkdir -p ${tablefs-dat}   # ensure parent directories
mpirun -np 1 -x PRELOAD_Tablefs_home=${tablefs-dat} -x LD_PRELOAD=${tablefs-dst}/lib/ \
  /path/to/hpc/ior/mdtest -C -T -r -k -n 40 -z 3 -b 3 -d /tablefs/out

We use -C -T -r to make mdtest only do file creates, stats, and deletes, but not reads (since we are not interested in file I/O). We then use -k to make mdtest create files through mknod rather than a pair of open and close calls. Next, we use -z 3 -b 3 to configure the shape of our test tree. With this the total number of parent directories in the tree is equal to 1 + 3 + 9 + 27 = 40 and this is why we use -n 40. Finally, -d /tablefs/out sets the root test directory for mdtest: all calls beneath /tablefs/out will be translated to calls beneath /out in tablefs.

Here's its output.

-- started at 12/14/2020 20:24:04 --

mdtest-3.4.0+dev was launched with 1 total task(s) on 1 node(s)
Command line used: ./mdtest '-C' '-T' '-r' '-k' '-n' '40' '-z' '3' '-b' '3' '-d' '/tablefs/out'
Path                : /tablefs/out
FS                  : 0.0 GiB   Used FS: -nan%   Inodes: 0.0 Mi   Used Inodes: -nan%
Nodemap: 1
1 tasks, 40 files/directories

SUMMARY rate: (of 1 iterations)
   Operation                      Max            Min           Mean        Std Dev
   ---------                      ---            ---           ----        -------
   Directory creation        :      15732.701      15732.701      15732.701          0.000
   Directory stat            :      24678.272      24678.272      24678.272          0.000
   Directory removal         :      12923.846      12923.846      12923.846          0.000
   File creation             :      14712.633      14712.633      14712.633          0.000
   File stat                 :      22288.804      22288.804      22288.804          0.000
   File read                 :          0.000          0.000          0.000          0.000
   File removal              :      15412.631      15412.631      15412.631          0.000
   Tree creation             :      18807.731      18807.731      18807.731          0.000
   Tree removal              :      11994.917      11994.917      11994.917          0.000
-- finished at 12/14/2020 20:24:04 --



LD_PRELOAD library for running LANL pfind on TableFS.







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