The purpose of this script is to check if we can reach public dns servers via a ping.
If all ping attempts fail, we use an expect script to power cycle the group 1 outlets.
- Linux based OS
- command line php
- command line expect
- A Synaccess netBooter™ Model: NP-05B that is accessible via telnet.
- The netbooter must be configured so that Group 1 outlets are connected to both your modem and router.
- Ensure the requirements are met
- Clone this git repo
- Fill out the script_config.ini with your Netbooters information
- (Optional) Change the dns_servers in the script_config.ini to any ip address of your choosing
- (Optional) Change the binaries file locations in the script_config.ini if the binaries are in a diff location on your distro
- Make the internetAutoCycler script run via crontab (once a minute should be fine)
example crontab entry: "* * * * * /usr/bin/php /path/to/script/internetAutoCycler.php > /dev/null 2>&1"