R package to run chronic wasting disease (CWD) models and a Shiny app. This project has moved to https://code.usgs.gov/usgs/norock/cross_p/cwdsims
This is a repository with R code for an interactive Shiny application of CWD disease models. Currently there are deterministic and stochastic models that are intended to model hunting scenarios for a 5 to 10 year time horizon. The models are sex and age structured with direct and indirect transmission.
To use this package, you should be using R 3.4+. You can install the package from GitHub using the remotes
package. To build the vignettes (long-form documentation) included with the package, you'll need the knitr
and markdown
libraries installed.
To install all 3 packages:
install.packages(c("remotes", "knitr", "rmarkdown"))
Then to install the stable, approved package with vignettes:
remotes::install_git("https://code.usgs.gov/usgs/norock/cross_p/cwdsims", ref = "v0.1.1", build_vignettes = TRUE, build_manual = TRUE)
Or to install the most recent development version:
remotes::install_github("https://code.usgs.gov/usgs/norock/cross_p/cwdsims", build_vignettes = TRUE, build_manual = TRUE)
Note some Mac users may need to first install xQuartz (https://www.xquartz.org).
This may prompt you to update some of the necessary packages. Press "1" to update all packages. In some cases, the compilation of the later package has failed. If this occurs, re-run the install_github command above and when prompted
Do you want to install from sources the package which needs compilation? (Yes/no/cancel)
Type "no"
Once "CWDsims" is installed, you can find more introductory material about the package in the vignettes.
vignette(package = "CWDsims") # all vignettes available
vignette("CWDsimsIntroVignette") # load the introduction
For a list of the available functions:
Please consider reporting bugs and asking questions on the Issues page:
Follow @USGS_R
on Twitter for updates on USGS R packages:
citation(package = "CWDsims")
># To cite CWDsims in publications, please
># use:
># Cross, P.C. and E.S. Almberg. 2019. CWDsims:
># An R package for simulating chronic wasting
># disease scenarios, doi.org/10.5066/P9QZTTLY
># A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is
># @Manual{,
># author = {Paul C. Cross and Emily S. Almberg},
># title = {CWDsims: An R package for simulating chronic wasing disease
># scenarios},
># publisher = {U.S. Geological Survey},
># address = {Reston, VA},
># version = {0.1.1},
># institution = {U.S. Geological Survey},
># year = {2019},
># url = {https://code.usgs.gov/usgs/norock/cross_p/cwdsims},
># }
This R package relates to USGS IPDS #IP-108402.