You have to generate your secret token for making this app work locally.
Use rake secret >> .env
to create an Env file with the secret token, then edit .env
like this
There are two main branches: master and development.
Branch master is the one used for the production deployment.
Branch development is the one used for the staging deployment.
Since SfA is using foreman
, use this command
foreman run rake some_task
to execute tasks that use things like ENV['MY_VARIABLE']
the command is
heroku run rake some_task
since heroku uses foreman
If there are new models' columns
rake gettext:store_model_attributes
If there are new localized strings
rake gettext:find
If there are new localized string in Javascript files, run this after saving the .po file
rake gettext:po_to_json
To run Cucumber tests:
bundle exec cucumber # optionally specify features/<file_name>.feature
We deploy to Heroku using two environments, staging and production.
To do a staging deploy just type
git push staging development:master
This command pushes the latest commit from the development local branch to the staging remote (that is the master branch on heroku)
If needed, migrate the database with
heroku run rake db:migrate
To do a production deploy just type
git push production master:master
This command pushes the latest commit from the master local branch to the production remote (that is the master branch on heroku)
If needed, migrate the database with
heroku run rake db:migrate --remote production
Sometimes Mailchimp API change and screw up things, usually Delayed Jobs. The first thing to do is go and check API changes in the gibbon gem.
If the some users don't have the mc_member_id
you can assign it by executing (locally or on Heroku)
rake sfa:set_mc_member_id_to_users
To be sure that the user is in the correct Mailchimp group, just update each of his boats from the admin interface. This will trigger a MCUserGroupUpdate