If you have the Java 1.6.0 SDK (or above) you can build and run a demo server with the following commands:
git clone git://github.com/hudmol/archivesspace.git
cd archivesspace
build/run dist
java -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Xmx256m -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -jar archivesspace.jar
This will start the ArchivesSpace application running on:
and the backend web service running on:
If you'd like to use different ports, you can run:
java -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Xmx256m -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -jar archivesspace.jar [frontend port] [backend port]
To set up the application, browse to http://localhost:8080/ and log in using the adminstrator account:
- Username:
- Password:
Once logged in, you can create a new repository by selecting "Create a repository" from the drop-down menu at the top right hand side of the screen. Once you have created a repository, you can log out and register new user accounts from the link in the log-in form.
Note: If you have already run the service in demo mode, you may need to remove the existing demo database in order to avoid a 'java.sql.SQLException: Failed to create database' error:
build/run db:nuke
ArchivesSpace loads its configuration from a config.rb
file, and
will look for this file in several locations:
If you're running the
as above, it will attempt to load the configuration from the current user's home directory:$HOME/.aspace_config.rb
If you're running ArchivesSpace under Tomcat, it will attempt to load
If you're running in development mode, it will attempt to load
To explicitly specify the location of your configuration file, you can run the application with the 'aspace.config' system property set. For example:
java -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Xmx256m -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Daspace.config=/path/to/my/config.rb -jar archivesspace.jar
You can also override individual configuration options by setting the corresponding system property. The command line:
java -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Xmx256m -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Daspace.config.data_directory=/path/to/my/data -jar archivesspace.jar
is equivalent to adding a config.rb
entry like:
AppConfig[:data_directory] = "/path/to/my/data"
ArchivesSpace can be configured to authenticate against one or more LDAP directories by specifying them in the application's configuration file. When a user logs in, each authentication source is tried in order until one matches or all sources are exhausted.
Here's a minimal example of LDAP authentication:
AppConfig[:authentication_sources] = [{
:model => 'LDAPAuth',
:hostname => 'ldap.example.com',
:port => 389,
:base_dn => 'ou=people,dc=example,dc=com',
:username_attribute => 'uid',
:attribute_map => {:cn => :name},
With this configuration, ArchivesSpace performs authentication by
connecting to ldap://ldap.example.com:389/
, binding anonymously,
searching the ou=people,dc=example,dc=com
tree for uid = <username>
. If the user is found, ArchivesSpace authenticates them by
binding using the password specified. Finally, the :attribute_map
entry specifies how LDAP attributes should be mapped to ArchivesSpace
user attributes (mapping LDAP's cn
to ArchivesSpace's name
in the
above example).
Many LDAP directories don't support anonymous binding. To integrate with such a directory, you will need to specify the username and password of a user with permission to connect to the directory and search for other users. Modifying the previous example for this case looks like this:
AppConfig[:authentication_sources] = [{
:model => 'LDAPAuth',
:hostname => 'ldap.example.com',
:port => 389,
:base_dn => 'ou=people,dc=example,dc=com',
:username_attribute => 'uid',
:attribute_map => {:cn => :name}
:bind_dn => 'uid=archivesspace_auth,ou=system,dc=example,dc=com',
:bind_password => 'secretsquirrel',
Finally, some LDAP directories enforce the use of SSL encryption. To
configure ArchivesSpace to connect via LDAPS, change the port as
appropriate and specify the encryption
AppConfig[:authentication_sources] = [{
:model => 'LDAPAuth',
:hostname => 'ldap.example.com',
:port => 636,
:base_dn => 'ou=people,dc=example,dc=com',
:username_attribute => 'uid',
:attribute_map => {:cn => :name}
:bind_dn => 'uid=archivesspace_auth,ou=system,dc=example,dc=com',
:bind_password => 'secretsquirrel',
:encryption => :simple_tls,
Latest documentation is published at http://hudmol.github.com/archivesspace/