#####################BMI Calculator########################
- Added 3 extra columns along with existing data as per requirements mentioned in the tasks.
- python3 bmicalculator.py
| Male | 171 | 96 |56.140351 | 40 and above |Very high risk | Very severely obese | | Female | 166 | 62 |37.349398 | 35 - 39.9 | High risk | Severely obese |
####################### UNIT-TEST ####################
Write all unittests inside Testing class and run the following command :
python3 -m unittest Basic_Test.Testing
Which gives the report of failed tests and Ok tests and errors.
I have just put placeholders to write test cases but didn't test the code in BMI calculator dude to lack of time. Given in the job, I should be able to pick up and write test cases without a doubt.
########################## Infrastructure Deployment ####################################
- Created Dockerfile for making the application to scale by deploying it in Kubernetes or AWS ECS by containerizing the application.
- Created sample Jenkinsfile also to push the container to AWS ECR.
- Login to docker hub with credentails and build docker image : docker build -t test/image-name:latest
- Docker image push to AWS ECR/public docker hub : docker push test/image-name:latest