This repository contains all the code I developed during the study of ETHDenver & Solidity bootcamps.
Powered by Encode Club A free, intensive, 8-week coding bootcamp to learn Solidity and blockchain from scratch!
ETHDenver Bootcamp 2022 by Encoded Club
Solidyt Bootcamp 2022 by Encoded Club
- Introduction
- Building HelloWorld.sol in Remix
- Syntax and structure
- Interfaces and external calls
- Weekend Project 1
- Vscode setup and code quality
- Building unit tests for HelloWorld.sol
- Coding Ballot.sol
- Scripts for Ballot.sol and events
- Weekend Project 2
- MyERC20.sol and MyERC721.sol
- TokenSale.sol
- Tests and scripts for TokenSale.sol
- Tokenized Votes
- Weekend Project 3
- NodeJS API using NestJS framework
- Minting tokens in the backend
- Frontend
- Integration
- Weekend Project 4
- Sponsor Week
- Introduction to gas optimization and smart contract security
- Gas limit and loops
- Randomness
- Lottery
- Weekend Project 5
- Part 1: Blockchain scaling solutions
- Part 2: Solidity advanced content
- DeFi
- Upgradeability patterns
- Part 1: IPFS
- Part 2: Smart Contract Security
- Team Projects
yarn: 3.2.4
node: v18.12.1
*yarn package manager is required.
The scripts in this reposoritory relies on the following API keys
- Create your own
and populate them with corresponding keys.
// sample .env file at root
yarn install
to restore all package dependency. -
yarn hardhat compile
to compile solidity contract, create artifacts and typings.
Following extensions are reccomended for working with this project.
Contains solidity .sol
contract, compiled into bytecode and deployed to goerli test net using Deployment.ts
Contains scripts to automate contract deployment to blockchain, interact with the deployed contract. Written in TypeScript.
Contains unit test suite. Used to test the logic of smart contract. Use mocha and chai js.
Scripts are used to automate the contract deployment as well as interacting with the deployed blockchain (e.g. calling functions on the contract).
yarn hardhat run .\scripts\common\GetLastestBlock.ts
This deploy a ballot with 3 proposals "Chocolate" "Vanilla" "Mint"
yarn run ts-node --files .\scripts\week2\Deployment.ts "Chocolate" "Vanilla" "Mint"