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Simple Babel Webpack Template

You can see the output / a demo here:

Includes only essentials to:

  • compile ES6 to ES5 (with Babel)
  • use ES6 modules (with Webpack)
  • React is entirely optional and isn't actually used. It's included only to demonstrate how to load external libraries.
  • uses static CSS (not processed/loaded via Webpack).

This setup has been adapted from the following German tutorial by Nils Hartmann:

Recommended Node version

  • Node 5.0.0 (best install via nvm)
  • npm 3.3.6

Both are set in package.json - feel free to remove the version numbers there should your setup require it.


npm install
npm run devserver

You can now rename "Peter Parker" in application.js, reload the page, and you should see the new name :)

Production build & deploy

  1. To transpile the JavaScript run:

    npm run build

Check dist/js for output:

  • application.js (transpiled source code)
  • (source map)
  1. Commit changes to git (dist must be checked in):

    git add dist && git commit -m 'Your commit message'

  2. Then push just the /dist folder to the gh-pages branch like so:

    git subtree push --prefix dist origin gh-pages

Only for reference: setup was done with these commands

No need to do this anymore. The following list is only kept as a reference to see how this repository was created from scratch.

mkdir simple-babel-webpack-template
cd simple-babel-webpack-template
npm init .

npm install --save babel
npm install --save-dev webpack
npm install --save-dev babel-preset-es2015
npm install --save-dev webpack-dev-server

Optional: add React (only for demonstration purposes, could be any other npm package as well)

npm install --save react react-dom
npm install --save-dev babel-preset-react

Required npm module to merge Webpack configs (allows us to use webpack/base.config.js):

npm install --save-dev webpack-merge

Good to know

  • the Webpack dev server's port can be changed in package JSON's devserver script (--port option). Make sure you don't forget to set the same port in /webpack/development.config.js - otherwise hot module replacement won't work and you'll get lots of connection errors in your browser's JS console.
  • Webpack dev server's base directory (/dist for this repository) is set in package.json's devserver script with content-base.