Script for OCR parsing of Ingress agent statistics screenshots
This project is in a early experimental status. Parsing of stats already looks fairly reliable, but needs more testing. See Testing on how to test and help.
This script is inspired by the fantastic project. Automated parsing of Ingress agent stats screens would useful for many Ingress related community projects like local competitions. This project aims to get a reliable base for OCR on stats the agents provide to your project / database.
Be aware that this version is only tested on Ubuntu 14.04.
- Fork and send in pull requests!
- Bash 4
- ImageMagick
- tesseract-ocr
Basic test data is provided in the ingress-stats-parser-testdata repository. Clone a copy into your working copy of ingress-stats-parser. Use to validate the known results to your changes you applied to
Submitting more validated test files to ingress-stats-parser-testdata is highly appreciated!
- Cleanup of temp files
- Medal recognition
- dependency checks
- ... your ideas