MERN-GraphQL-SocialAuth is a project that adds social authentication to a MERN stack application using Passport.js. It integrates Node.js, MongoDB, TypeORM, TypeGraphQL, and React.js to provide a full-stack solution for social login (Google, Facebook, etc.).
MERN Stack:
- MongoDB: Database for storing user information.
- Express.js & Node.js: Backend server and API routes.
- React.js: Frontend for a seamless user interface.
- GraphQL: Type-safe queries and mutations via TypeGraphQL.
- TypeORM: Object-Relational Mapping for managing MongoDB.
Social Authentication:
- Social login via Passport.js for providers like Google, Facebook, etc.
- Token-based authentication for secure access.
GraphQL API:
- Built with TypeGraphQL.
- Full CRUD support for user authentication.
- Secured endpoints requiring social login.
- React-based UI for login and registration.
- Integration with Apollo Client for GraphQL queries and mutations.
git clone
cd mern-graphql-socialauth
### 2. Install Dependencies:
# Install server dependencies
cd server
yarn install
# Install client dependencies
cd ../client
yarn install
### 3. Set up environment variables:
Create a `.env` file in the `server` directory and add the following:
### 4. Run the development servers:
#### Backend:
cd server
yarn dev
cd client
yarn start
Open your browser and go to http://localhost:3000