This respository is created for the paper: Efficient Structural Clustering over Hypergraphs (submitted to ICDE 2025 round 2)
po, enron and southern-women are shared in the datasets floder. Entire datasets can be downloaded at
--------code: source code of pSCAN-adp/GS*-index/LSBI
--------datasets: example hypergraphs
--------SCAN: source code of SCAN for pairwise graph
--------tools: tools such as getting basic information about hypergraphs, compute the modularity of clustering results, etc.
--------output: the clustering results
g++ -std=c++17 -pthread -I./parlaylib/include -Wall -g -o main main.cpp hypergraph.cpp Utility.cpp HashSet.cpp algorithms.cpp gs_index.cpp compress_index.cpp readhg.h
dataset_2_filename = {
{"enron" , "Enron.hyp"},
{"congress" , "congress-bills.hyp"},
{"contact" , "contact-primary-school.hyp"},
{"dblp", "DBLP.hyp"},
./main $dataset $algorithm $mu $epsilon
dataset: enron, congress, contact,dblp,aminer,drug,ubuntu,rpah
algorithm: pHSCAN, OI-construction, LSBI-construction, SQuery,PQuery
mu: parameter mu
epsilon: parameter epsilon
An example:
./main enron SQuery 2 0.7
hypergraph ready!
enron SQuery 2 0.7
compute ok!
neicun 29870420(Bytes)
writing to: ../output/cluster_SQuery_enron_2_0.700000.csv
Execution time= 0.00246434: init_tm= 5.01741
- PQuery depends on the lib: parlylib
- the details for compiling and running can refer to code/