Here: general idea's will be discussed and made. Also any kind of documents will be made here.
We will be building an open-source, free-to-use School Management System under the name Scolix. The name might be changed in the future though.
It's proposed features:
- School scheduling
- Attendance System
- Grade input
- File Server
- Built-in end-to-end chat messaging with students, teachers and staff. (Based on Signal Protocol)
- Easy admin tools
This project will be disected into several subprojects, some of which written in different programming languages than others.
Secondly, there is the scolix web. scolix web is the complete backend server, as well as the API-/webhandler.
Next up, there is the scolix app. scolix app is the Android, als well as the IOS app development. scolix app Will be written in React Native.
Last but not least, we have the scolix site. This will be the webview of the scolix interface.