Signal K Node server resource provider
plugin enabling the use of maps published via WMTS (Web Map Tile Server) hosts.
Note: Requires Signal K
server running on NodeJS
v18 or later!
The plugin requires that WMTS hosts implement the GetCapabilities
request to return GetCapabilities.xml response.
Experience has found that not all servers respond correctly to ?service=wmts&request=GetCapabilities
queries, so it is worth checking first.
The plugin also supports the Signal K server v2 Resources API and can be used in conjunction with other chart resource provider
Chart metadata is made available to client apps via both v1
and v2
API paths.
Server Version | API | Path |
1.x.x | v1 | /signalk/v1/api/resources/charts |
2.x.x | v2 | /signalk/v2/api/resources/charts |
"mapa_base_rioja": {
"identifier": "mapa_base_rioja",
"name": "WMTS Mapa Base IDErioja",
"description": "Mapa Base IDErioja",
"type": "wmts",
"bounds": [-180, -90, 180, 90],
"format": "png",
"tilemapUrl": "",
"chartLayers": ["mapa_base_rioja"]
from the Appstore screen in the Signal K server admin console -
Once installed, restart the server and the locate
WMTS Chart provider
in the Plugin Config screen -
Add the
for each WMTS host publishing the maps you require.
Important: The host url is the path to the WMTS service. It should NOT contain request or service parameters!
The following example is incorrect!
Check Disable to not query the WMTS host. This allows multiple WMTS host entries to be maintained and only return map listings from selected ones.
Click Submit to save the changes.
Enable plugin
Signal K
server running onNodeJS
v18 (or later).