This is a command line tool for transfering files from one machine to another. One of the machines serves as a Server and the others serve as Clients. The client program has a command line interface and can be used for file transfer between itself and the server machine. Following commands are allowed.
ls: list all the files in the current directory in the client.
lls: list all the files in the current directory of the server.
get: Download a particular file from the server.
put: Upload a particular file to the server.
mget: Download multiple files from the server.
mput: Upload multiple files to the server.
The program has been tested on various kind of files like .FLV, .PDF, .TXT, .MP4, .MP3.
This was a lab assignment in Computer Networks lab at my University to learn how to use sockets to transfer information from one machine to another.
To compile the program, do the following.
gcc ServerNew.c ServerFunc.c -o Server in a machine.
gcc ClientNew.c ClientFunc.c -o Client in another machine.
To run the program, do the following.
Run "./Server" on the command line in one machine.
Run "./Client hostname" on the command line in other machine. "hostname" can be ip of the server machine.