Macro inspired by Elixir's with
Chain pattern matching clauses, using clojure.core.match/match
. Takes a vector of
bindings to match, a body, and optionally an :otherwise
keyword followed by list
of clauses to match in case of failure.
Pattern matches each bind and if all
clauses match, the body is executed returning its result. Otherwise the chain
is aborted and the non-matched value is matched against the optional :else
clauses, if provided. Raises java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
if none
of the clauses match, just as clojure.core.match/match
(defn f1 [] [:ok 10 20])
(defn f2 [k] [:ok (inc k)])
(defn produce-error [] [:error :match-error])
(with [[:ok x y] (f1)
[:ok z] (f2 (+ x y))]
(do (println "all clauses have matched :)")
(* z 2))
[:error err] err
:else :no-match)
;=> 62
(with [[:ok x y] (f1)
[:ok z] (produce-error)]
(* z 2)
[:error err] err)
;=> :match-error
For more use cases peek at the test