- Develop a log ingestor system that can efficiently handle vast volumes of log data.
- Need UI for querying this data using full-text search or specific field filters.
- Full test Search
- field for filter
- level
- Message
- Resource
- time stamp
- trace Id
- span Id
- commit
- matadata.parentResourse
- Agnostic of platform
- Querying of Data
- Scalability to handle high volumes of logs
- Low latency, need to ingest the data in Near real-time
- Volume - able to ingest massive volumes
- Kafka for handling high volume data. allows to use cluster mode and multiple node(Group_ID) which will eliminate the single point of failure. but in this project I'll be using single node for sake of simplicity.
- Express based Rest API: because I know in typescript better the Go. I'll have two rest services, point of having two services will give me high scalability as both are independent services.
- Producer-API : with the help of Load balancer we can scale data ingestor process.
- Consumer-API: we can also scale this service for fast data dump into DB.
- Elasticsearch for structured data handling and efficient search capabilities
- Kibana is compatible with Elasticsearch
- make sure you are in root of the folder
- run
docker-compose up --build -d
This will up the multiple services- Producer-API at
- Kibna at
- Producer-API at
- once all the services is stared we seed the Kafka and Elasticsearch for that follow the following steps:
cd admin && npm install
npm start
- yup, that's all you need to do. now you can ingest data i.e
curl --location '' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data '{ "level": "info", "message": "Failed to connect to DB", "resourceId": "server-1234", "timestamp": "2023-09-15T08:00:00Z", "traceId": "abc-xyz-123", "spanId": "span-456", "commit": "5e5342f", "metadata": { "parentResourceId": "server-0987" } }'
Before you check this things you must know
- code is not completely working at the last there was some version miss match of elastic due to which i was not able to dump the log to elastic. (failed to establish the connection from node to elastic)
- kafka setup was fun. I was able to setup kafka, sending data to kafka and consuming data was successful.