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ConnectionModeBase Class

sequenze edited this page Jun 19, 2017 · 3 revisions

Provides basic functionality for supporting multiple connectionschemes, and validating messages. This is an abstract class.

Inheritance Hierarchy



public abstract class ConnectionModeBase : IConnectionMode


Name                                                                     Description
ConnectionModeBase(IProtocol,IEncoder) Initializes a new instance of the ConnectionModeBase class.


Name                                                   Description
ProcessRequest(IOperationMap) Template method for processing requests by the SpaceRepository executing the requested action.
PerformRequest(IMessage) Template method for executing a request by the RemoteSpace.
ValidateResponse(IMessage) Validates the passed response. If the message is a response and the response code is OK the message is returned; otherwise an exception is thrown.
ValidateRequest(IMessage) Validates the passed Request. If the message is a request the message is returned; otherwise an exception is thrown.

See Also

IConnectionMode, IProtocol, IEncoder, IOperationMap, IMessage

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