ui library to wrap your page to handle different states(like error,empty,others)
there are default status to use for your page error,empty,others. when there no data to display ,u can use default empty status page to cover ur page, like above
by the way ,if u think deafult status page can not satisfy your request, ni can alse use custom page like this. to dispaly error status
and this all is easy to use.
dependencies {
compile 'com.yich.libary.layout:statuswraplayout:1.0.2'
first use it in layout xml
android:text="this is content!!!"
in your java code when u are loading data u can use showLoading (and more others status ,please refer to other api)
// befor process data show loading status
when there are default status can not satisfy your requirement,u can use custom status view to wrap your page. u first create your custom status view must implement IStatusView
public interface IStatusView {
* init view
public boolean initView(Context context);
* get current chunk of view
* @return view
public View getView();
* {@link StatusWrapLayout}
* @return get current view status
public StatusWrapLayout.State getViewType();
* when view show call back
* @param listener user click current status view listener
* @param params input params
public void onShowStatusView(OnUserClickListener listener, Object... params);
*when view gone call back
* @param params input params
public void onGoneStatusView(Object... params);
* @param listener user click current status view listener
* @param param input params
public void updataStatusView(OnUserClickListener listener, Object... param);}
then u can easily add your status view to StatusWrapLayout by this code change to your custome view
StatusWrapLayout.Builder builder=new StatusWrapLayout.Builder();
//change interest status to replace this status view
builder.setLoadingView(new MyloadingView())
.setErrorView(new MyErrorView())
.setOhterView(new MyOtherView())
.setEmptyView(new MyEmptyView())
This library is inspired by progress-activity library from vlonjatg.