Hi, welcome! This is my whole Arch Linux () config file.
Computer is one of my interests, ever since first met it in middle school.
Linux & Vim was my love at first sight, when I had worked for 5 years.
I started to "lego"(assemble) Arch Linux after I saw the theCW's video.
嗨,欢迎!这是我整个 Arch Linux()配置文件。
Computer 是我的兴趣之一,从我在中学第一次见到它开始。
Linux 和 Vim 是我的一见钟情,在我工作 5 年时。
我开始乐高(组装)Arch Linux,在我看到 theCW 的视频后。
basic --| yazi fish nvim mpv --|
application | \ | / / |
| \ | / / |
terminal --| tmux---/ --|
multiplexer | | |
| | |
shell -- | bash------\ --|
| | \ \ |
| | \ \ | pt
terminal -- | alacritty fbterm | ---> ( pseudo terminal )
emulator | / | | |
| | | | |
session -- | i3 sway | | --|
manager | | | | | |
| | | | / |
display -- | xorg wayland fb / --|
protocol | \ | / / |
| \ | / / | tty
login -- | lemurs getty+login ---> ( virtual terminal )
systemd | | /
| | / console
system -- | linux+systemctl ---> ( )
| |
| /|\
MY ARCH LINUX ( ) / | | | \
sway + swayidle + swaylock + swaybg + swaybar + firefox
cpu : AMD Ryzen | Radeon Graphic
mem : ddr5
hdd : nvme | Linux RAID
It's really not easy to come this far, but make life more meaningful.
I still can not figure it out, what a name for my Arch Linux.
我还没想好为我的 Arch Linux 取个什么是名字。
system : Arch Linux <- Window
login systemd : lemurs <- lightdm
display protocol : wayland <- xorg
session manager : sway <- i3
terminal emulator : alacritty+tmux
shell : fish+bash+dash
explorer : yazi <- joshuto <- ranger
editor : nvim <- vim
player : mpv
browser : firefox
some system config files may not be directly usable,
because they base on hardware. -
application config files are generally directly usable,
but the structure of the config files maybe diff from that of most. -
most of app plugin need to be download.