This repository contains the code implementing the dual iterative algorithms for neural network bounds computations described in: Lagrangian Decomposition for Neural Network Verification. If you use it in your research, please cite:
title={Lagrangian Decomposition for Neural Network Verification},
author={Bunel, Rudy and De Palma, Alessandro and Desmaison, Alban and Dvijotham, Krishnamurthy and Kohli, Pushmeet and Torr, Philip H. S. and Kumar, M. Pawan},
journal={Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence},
The repository provides code for algorithms to compute output bounds for ReLU-based neural networks (and, more generally, piecewise-linear networks, which can be transformed into equivalent ReLUs):
represents the PLANET relaxation of the network in Gurobi and uses the commercial solver to compute the model's output bounds.SaddleLP
implements the dual iterative algorithms presented in "Lagrangian Decomposition for Neural Network Verification" in PyTorch, based on the Lagrangian Decomposition of the activation's convex relaxations.DJRelaxationLP
implements the Lagrangian relaxation-based dual iterative algorithm presented in "A Dual Approach to Scalable Verification of Deep Networks" in PyTorch.
These classes offer two main interfaces (see tools/
and tools/
for detailed
usage, including algorithm parametrization):
- Given some pre-computed intermediate bounds, compute the bounds on the neural network output:
, thencompute_lower_bound
. - Compute bounds for activations of all network layers, one after the other (each layer's computation will use the
bounds computed for the previous one):
The computed neural network bounds can be employed in two different ways: alone, to perform incomplete verification; as the bounding part of branch and bound (to perform complete verification).
The dual iterative algorithms (SaddleLP
, DJRelaxationLP
) batch the computations of each layer output
lower/upper bounds in order to compute them in parallel.
contains the code for the dual iterative algorithms described above../tools/
contains code to interface the bounds computation classes, run experiments on CIFAR10, and analyse their results. In particular, in addition to the paper's incomplete verification experiments,tools/
runs the bounding algorithms on single CIFAR10 images, logging the optimization progress, which can be plotted viatools/
is a set of bash/python scripts, instrumenting the tools of./tools
to reproduce the results of the paper../networks/
contains the two trained networks employed in the incomplete verification part of the paper.
The code was implemented assuming to be run under python3.6
We have a dependency on:
- The Gurobi solver to solve the LP arising from the Network linear approximation and the Integer programs for the MIP formulation. Gurobi can be obtained from here and academic licenses are available from here.
- Pytorch to represent the Neural networks and to use as a Tensor library.
We assume the user's Python environment is based on Anaconda.
git clone --recursive
cd decomposition-plnn-bounds
# Install gurobipy
conda config --add channels
python install
# Install pytorch to this virtualenv
# (or check updated install instructions at
conda install pytorch torchvision cudatoolkit=9.2 -c pytorch
# Install the code of this repository
python install
If you have setup everything according to the previous instructions, you should be able to replicate the incomplete verification experiments of the paper:
## Execute incomplete verification experiments (edit hardware-specific lines 23-24)
python ./scripts/
## Analyse the results
# (might have to `pip install matplotlib` to generate curves)