- 🎓 Third year computer science student at AGH University of Science and Technology in Cracow, Poland.
- 🛩 Leader of the software team at AGH Solar Plane
- ⚙ In the past I've worked in the Beams Department at CERN
- ❤️ Interested in algorithms, pure mathematics, but also embeded systems
- 📫 How to reach me? Email: [email protected], linkedin
- 🛰 Software assisting data analysis of space radiation in satellite missions at PSI.
- 🤖 Autonomous Flight Controller for a STM32H7 with AGH Solar Plane
- 🗺️ Mapping large areas from a bird's eye view with a photos from a UAV with AGH Solar Plane
- 🧪 Simulating binary eutetic systems and their DSC curves