A simple command line google calendar tool
1.(OPTIONAL) create a virtualenv and activate it
virtualenv .venv --python=`which python3`
source .venv/bin/activate
- install requirements
pip install -r requirements/base.txt
- To use kalendar as a shell command, add this line to .bashrc or .profile
export PATH=$PATH":$HOME/path/to/kalendar"
enable your google calendar api here and paste the credentials.json in the repo root folder
authorize kalendar
./kalendar setup
list upcoming calendar events
optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -c C calendar name(default calendar located in config/settings.py)
./kalendar list
{ 'end': '2020-09-24 -> 12:00',
'start': '2020-09-24 -> 11:00',
'summary': 'test event 1'}
{ 'end': '2020-09-25 -> 13:00',
'start': '2020-09-25 -> 12:00',
'summary': 'test event 2'}
{ 'end': '2020-09-26 -> 16:30',
'start': '2020-09-26 -> 15:30',
'summary': 'test event 3'}
Find event by name
./kalendar find -n "test event 2"
optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit
required arguments: -n N event name
{ 'end': '2020-09-25 -> 13:00',
'start': '2020-09-25 -> 12:00',
'summary': 'test event 2'}
Create event
optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -n N event name / summary -d D description -c C calendar(default calendar located in config/settings.py)
required arguments: -s S start time -e E end time
./kalendar create -n "foo" -d "event-description" -s "24/09/2020-10:30" -e "24/09/2020-16:00"
created event foo