PHP library to (Create, Read, Update, Delete) in Mysql/Sqlite databases with zero configuration and some magic.
This library relies in some conventions for simplify (or avoid) the configuration.
- Table names SHOULD be in singular and camelCase
- Fields names SHOULD be in singular and camelCase
- The primary key of all tables MUST be
. - Foreign keys MUST be
. For example,post
table usespost_id
as foreign key. - Associative tables MUST use a underscore joining the two tables in alphabetic order. For example, the relationship between
SimpleCrud has the following classes:
- SimpleCrud: Manage the database connection, execute the queries and create all entities.
- Query: Creates the database queries needed. Currently there are support for mysql and sqlite
- Entity: Manages an entity (database table).
- Row: Stores/modifies the data of a row
- RowCollection: Is a collection of rows
- Fields: Converts the values before save into the database (for example: convert datetime values to be compatible with mysql)
Let's say we have the following database:
`title` TEXT,
`category_id` INTEGER,
`pubdate` TEXT,
`type` TEXT,
FOREIGN KEY(`category_id`) REFERENCES category(id)
CREATE TABLE `category` (
`name` TEXT
`name` TEXT
CREATE TABLE `post_tag` (
FOREIGN KEY(`tag_id`) REFERENCES tag(id),
FOREIGN KEY(`post_id`) REFERENCES post(id)
To use the database, just create an instance of SimpleCrud\SimpleCrud
passing the PDO
use SimpleCrud\SimpleCrud;
$db = new SimpleCrud($pdo);
//To get any entity, just use the properties, they will be created on demand:
$post = $db->post;
SimpleCrud can detect automatically all relationship between tables using the naming conventions described above. To do that, uses the foreignKey
. For example: the foreignKey for the table "category" is "category_id" and the table "post" has a field called "category_id", so SimpleCrud knows that each post has one category (RELATION_HAS_ONE
You can work directly with the entities to insert/update/delete/select data:
Use arrayAccess interface for access to the data using the id
//Get the post id = 3;
$post = $db->posts[3];
//Check if a row exists
if (isset($db->posts[3])) {
echo 'exists';
//Delete a post
//Create or update posts
$db->posts[3] = [
'title' => 'Hello world'
//Insert a new post
$db->posts[] = [
'title' => 'Hello world 2'
Each time you use a method like select()
, update()
, count()
, delete()
, etc... an instance of a Query class is created. Each query has modifiers like orderBy()
, limit()
, etc, and the method run()
to execute the query and return the result. For example:
$query = $db->post->update();
//modify the query
->data(['title' => 'New title'])
->where('id = :id', [':id' => 23])
//you can stringify the query
echo $query; //UPDATE `posts` ...
//and run the query
Here's more examples:
//insert new posts
'title' => 'My first post',
'text' => 'This is the text of the post'
//Delete a post
->byId(23) //shortcut of where('id = :id', [':id' => 23])
The select()
query has a lot of modifiers to add conditions, sort values, limit, etc. It has also the methods all()
and one()
to return all results of just the first one:
$posts = $db->post->select()
->where('id > :id', [':id' => 10])
->orderBy('id ASC')
The method relatedWith()
allows select related data easily:
//Select a post by id
$post = $db->post[23];
//Select the category related with this posts
$category = $db->category->select()
When you select data from the database using one()
, it's saved in a Row
instance. This class allows read and modify the data:
$post = $db->post->select()->one();
echo $post->title; //Get the post title
$post->title = 'New title';
$post->save(); //Save the data
$post->delete(); //remove the row in the database
//Create a new row (but it's not inserted in the database yet)
$newPost = $db->post->create(['title' => 'The title']);
//Use an array to edit more values at once
'title' => 'New title',
'description' => 'Another description'
$newPost->save(); //Insert the post in the database.
If you use all()
to get the result of a selection, no mather how many rows are selected, you get a RowCollection
instance (it can be empty, one result or more).
$allPosts = $db->post->select()->all();
foreach ($allPosts as $post) {
echo $post->title;
The collection allows to get arrays with the values of a column. For example, to get all titles:
$allPosts->title; //array with all titles of all posts. The keys are the ids
The purpose of the SimpleCrud\Fields
classes is to convert the data between the database and the entity. For example, in Mysql the format used to store datetime values is "Y-m-d H:i:s", so the class SimpleCrud\Fields\Datetime converts any string or
Datetimeinstance to this format. This conversion will be done just before execute the query and won't change the value of the
Row` instance. The available fields are:
- Boolean: To converts boolean values
- Field: It's the default field and keeps the value as is.
- Datetime: Converts a string or Datetime instance to "Y-M-d H:i:s"
- Date: Converts a string or Datetime instance to "Y-M-d"
- Set: an array of values to a string. For example: ['red', 'blue', 'green'] will be stored as "red,blue,green" in database.
- Integer: Converts values to integers or NULL
- Float: Converts values to float numbers or NULL
- Serializable: To store arrays or any other serializable data structure
If the fields in the entity are not specified, they will be asigned automatically according with the field type in the database. There is also a naming convention to set formats automatically to fields with the following names:
- Integer format will be asigned to fields named
or any field ending by_id
. - Datetime format will be asigned to fields named
. - Boolean format will be asigned to fields named
//Create a post. We don't care about the Datetime
$post = $db->post->create([
'title' => 'My post',
'text' => 'My post text',
'pubdate' => new Datetime('now')
You can create more "smart names". This will be explained latter.
Both Row
and RowCollection
can load automatically the related rows if you call them by the entity name:
//Get post id=34
$post = $db->post[34];
//Load the category related with this post
$category = $post->category;
//This is equivalent to:
$category = $db->category->select()->relatedWith($post)->one();
//To get the query instance (because you want to modify the selection):
$category = $post->select('category')->one();
This allows make awesome (and dangerous :D) things like this:
$titles = $db->post[34]->tag->post->title;
//Get the post id=34
//Get the tags of the post
//Then the posts related with these tags
//And finally, the titles of all these posts
SimpleCrud uses factory classes to create instances of entities, queries and fields. You can configure or create your own factories to customize how these instances are created.
This class creates the instances of all entities. If it's not provided, by default uses the SimpleCrud\EntityFactory
but you can create your own factory that must implements the SimpleCrud\EntityFactoryInterface
. The default EntityFactory, can be configured using the following methods:
The namespace where your entity classes are located.setAutocreate
To create instances of tables without entities associatedsetFieldFactory
To set your own factory to create Field instancessetQueryFactory
To set your own factory to create Query instances
//Instantiate the entity factory
$entityFactory = new SimpleCrud\EntityFactory();
//Set the namespace of the entities:
//Create the simplecrud instance
$db = new SimpleCrud\SimpleCrud($pdo, $entityFactory);
$db->post; //Returns an instance of App\MyModels\Post
By default, if the entityFactory is not passed to SimpleCrud, it creates one automatically as following:
$entityFactory = new SimpleCrud\EntityFactory();
//Creates all undefined entities using SimpleCrud\Entity class
The query factory is the responsive to instantiate all query classes. By default uses the SimpleCrud\QueryFactory
class but you can provide your own factory extending the SimpleCrud\QueryFactoryInterface
. The default factory has the following options:
Add more namespaces where find more query classes.
$entityFactory = new SimpleCrud\EntityFactory();
$queryFactory = new SimpleCrud\QueryFactory();
//Add a namespace with my custom query classes, with more options, etc
//Add the queryFactory to the entityFactory:
//Now create the simpleCrud connection
$db = new SimpleCrud\SimpleCrud($pdo, $entityFactory);
This factory creates intances of the fields uses by the entities to convert the values. By default uses SimpleCrud\FieldFactory
but you can create your own factory extending SimpleCrud\FieldFactoryInstance
. The default FieldFactory has the following options:
Add more namespaces where find more field classes.addSmartName
Add more smart names to asign automatically types to specific field names.
$entityFactory = new SimpleCrud\EntityFactory();
$fieldFactory = new SimpleCrud\FieldFactory();
//Add a namespace with my custom field classes
//By default, all fields called "year" will be integer
$fieldFactory->addSmartName('year', 'Integer');
//Add the fieldFactory to the entityFactory:
//Now create the simpleCrud connection
$db = new SimpleCrud\SimpleCrud($pdo, $entityFactory);
The default behaviour of simpleCrud is fine but you may want to extend the entities with your own methods, validate data, etc. So you need to create classes for your entities. The entity classes must extend the SimpleCrud\Entity
class and be named like the database table (with uppercase first letter). For example, for a table named post
you need a class named Post
. In the Entity class you can configure the types of the fields and add your own methods:
namespace MyModels;
use SimpleCrud\Entity;
class Posts extends Entity
public $fields = [
'id' => 'Integer',
'createdAt' => 'Datetime',
'updatedAt' => 'Datetime',
'active' => 'Boolean',
'text' => 'Field',
public function getLatests()
return $this->select()
->orderBy('createdAt DESC')
Now if you configure the EntityFactory to look into MyModels
namespace, it will use this class when you need $db->post
$entityFactory = new SimpleCrud\EntityFactory();
$db = new SimpleCrud\SimpleCrud($pdo, $entityFactory);
$latests = $db->post->getLatest();
Each entity has two methods to convert/validate data before push to database and after pull from it. You can overwrite this methods to customize its behaviour:
namespace MyModels;
use SimpleCrud\Entity;
class Posts extends Entity
public function dataToDatabase (array $data, $new)
$data['updatedAt'] = new \Datetime('now');
if ($new) { //it's an insert
$data['createdAt'] = $data['updatedAt'];
return $data;
public function dataFromDatabase (array $data)
//convert the date to format "2 days ago"
$data['updatedAt'] = convertData($data['updatedAt']);
return $data;
The Entity has the method init
that you can use to initialize things. It's called at the end of the __construct
. For example, you can use your own Row
and RowCollection
classes or customize them adding more methods:
namespace MyModels;
use SimpleCrud\Entity;
class Posts extends Entity
public function init()
//Add some methods to collections
$this->collection->registerMethod('sumIds', function ($collection) {
return array_sum($collection->id);
//Add some properties to row
$this->row->registerProperty('titleLowerCase', function ($row) {
return strtolower($row->title);
Now, on use the entity:
$posts = $db->post->select()->all();
//Execute the registered method in the collection
echo $posts->sumIds();
//Execute the registered property in the row
foreach ($posts as $post) {
echo $post->titleLowerCase;
You can create your own fields types or overwrite the existing ones. You have to register the namespaces with your custom fields in the FieldFactory.
Let's see an example:
namespace MyModels\Fields;
use SimpleCrud\FieldInterface;
* Format to store ips as numeric values
class Ip implements FieldInterface
public function dataToDatabase ($data)
return ip2long($data);
public function dataFromDatabase ($data)
return long2ip($data);
Now, to use it:
$entityFactory = new SimpleCrud\EntityFactory();
$fieldFactory = new SimpleCrud\FieldFactory();
//Add the namespace of my custom fields
//All fields named "ip" use the class "Ip"
$fieldFactory->addSmartName('ip', 'Ip');
$db = new SimpleCrud\SimpleCrud($pdo, $entityFactory);
//Use in the ip fields
->data(['ip' => getCurrentIp()])
Because it's the same than for Fields, let's extend a Select query with custom methods:
namespace MyModels\Queries;
use SimpleCrud\Queries\Select;
class Select extends Select
public function isActive()
return $this->where('active = 1');
public function olderThan(\Datetime $date)
return $this->where('createdAt < :date', [':date' => $date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s')]);
Now to use it:
$entityFactory = new SimpleCrud\EntityFactory();
$queryFactory = new SimpleCrud\QueryFactory();
//Add the namespace of my custom queries
$db = new SimpleCrud\SimpleCrud($pdo, $entityFactory);
//use in your select queries
$posts = $db->post->select()
->olderThan(new Datetime('now'))
->orderBy('id DESC')
Sometimes, you want to share some values across all entities, rows and collections. For example a language configuration, the basepath where the files are stored, etc. To do that, there are the getAttribute
and setAttribute
//Save an attribute, for example, the language code:
$db->setAttribute('language', 'en');
//This value is accessible from the entity class and row/rowCollection:
echo $db->post->getAttribute('language'); //en
//And rows
$post = $db->post[2];
$post->getAttribute('language'); //en
Note: The attributes are read-only for entities, rows and rowCollections, only the SimpleCrud\SimpleCrud
instance has the method setAttribute
. This ensures than an attribute can be changed for a entity and affect to other entities.
Check the doc comment code to know full API.