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A .NET server emulator for the popular android game using domain driven design

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Server emulator of the popular mobile game. Features decryption and decompilation of the client as well as every protobuf definition that's being sent over the wire.


Run Idle.Emu.Runner and follow the steps below to connect to your phone or emulator to the server.


There's two ways to make the app connect to your server.

Root or non-root

Modify app/ui/login/gate.lua and replace under /data/user/0/$APP if you're root or else re-pack and re-sign and re-install the APK after modification.


A simpler option as root using the official, unmodified app is to just route the traffic. This allows you to easily switch between the official and your local server.

$ echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

# on, set ${IP} e.g
$ iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 5000 -j DNAT --to-destination ${IP}:5000
$ iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -j MASQUERADE

# off, clears all NAT rules
$ iptables -t nat -F




  • Lazy evaluation and Buffer.BlockCopy + ReadOnlySpan<T> where applicable
  • Favor internal and sealed. Internal interfaces may be placed in projects directory and be marked internal
  • Tests should follow the AAA standard
  • Any new project must be named Idle.Emu.X with it's corresponding test project be named Idle.Emu.X.Tests and allow any internal to be exposed for testing
    <AssemblyAttribute Include="System.Runtime.CompilerServices.InternalsVisibleTo">


Any Cocos.* project are copied from an internal project which contains any helper functions to leverage apps using cocos2d.


The reader and writer of the apps packet format. The app uses a streaming protocol with a header and a protobuf body.


The logic to decrypt and/or decompress the client. Features a fairly straightforward xor encryption found in the ARM binary. The embedded keys features as a decoy while the real key is being dervied from a hardcoded lookup table in the binary. Post decryption it's compressed with zlib and then ultimately compiled using a modified lua vm. The scrambled opcode map necessary to decompile or re-compile the lua code can be found in opcode.txt to use along with unluac


The controllers and services regarding receiving or processing packets. Handles any repository queries and mappings to the domain model. As of date, only a subset of the unary protobuf events are implemented under Events. However, DebugPacket allows any raw protobuf packet to be mapped to it's corresponding definition using reflection and logged as a JSON object.


  • Maintain a rich-domain model with logic to be used in any of the domain components unless it violates any of the solid principles.
  • Service injection are not prohibited but is discouraged if a IValueObject can take it's place in order to prevent an anemic domain model.
  • Favor the use IValueObjects over primitives, see ICommodity.
  • An IAggregateRoot may not depend on another root.
  • Any call to a concrete implementation must go through Idle.Application.

Domain objects which makes use of all properties of the persistent model may use MemberSerialization.OptIn to allow serialization of domain objects directly even though a seperate record for persistence is to be preferred. Any serialization is still to be handled by an IMapper in Idle.Application.


Rebuilds the .proto files from the compiled lua-protogen files included in the app. Parses the eventName.lua file to map each packet-id to it's corresponding protobuf definition. Use IOutputGenerator to start build an output generator for any desired language.


Contains the generated .proto and .cs files from Idle.Emu.Generator. Includes the utility function mapping packet-id to our internal packet. The game maps their requests with identical request and response seeing most of their calls are unary and maintains two id's in form of group and cmd. This utility derives a unique ID from these four variables.


Contains the repositories for any IAggregate derivation in our domain. Inherit BaseRepository and override any of the virtual methods to use anything else but the default in-memory implementation. Any call to a concrete implementation must go through Idle.Application


Reads and features the global constants such as APK version and paths to any resources in which files can be placed in for any project. This allows version control for each resources and automatic access using

    <ContentWithTargetPath Include="Resources\**">


Contains all the definitions interfaces used by most projects in this solution. Includes a Guard class that should be favored in every null check to ease any error logging


A .NET server emulator for the popular android game using domain driven design






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