List of fixed issues and improvements
OroPlatform and OroCRM have been upgraded to 3.1.9
Fixed clickable area of the "go to top of page" arrow takes the full width of the page and it uses transparent backround
Simplified Storefront Customization
Fixed scroll bar is missing in pin bar drop down list
Fixed rule expression "any" evaluates only on the first line item
Fixed missing validation of imported product variant SKUs
Decreased number of AJAX requests on Quick Order Form
Fixed inventory status filter is missing a label in product variants grid
Fixed Quick order form crushes when after copy paste massive of data (like 20+ sku with quantity) trying to add new line item by typing
Fixed Department level customer user role permission excludes entities with empty customer user
Fixed subtotal and total values in base currency are misaligned at back-office order page
Removed duplicated MQ messages during product price import
Fixed PO number is not saved from RFQ/Quote to order
Fixed Product variations in product collection become visible after switching product listing grid views
Fixed brand filter does not work on product listing pages in landscape view
Fixed Tablet/ Broken layout of the "Add to shopping list" button on "Previously purchased" grid
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